Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

If Mexico redistributed its income is there enough money to go around?

Asked by JLeslie (65902points) November 27th, 2018 from iPhone

Mexico, like many Latin American countries, has a wealthy upper class, and a lot of poverty, and a not very large middle class, but I actually don’t know what the current statistics are. I write this having learned about the money distribution years ago in school, and talking to my Mexican family members (my husband is Mexican).

Let’s say a reasonable minimum wage was put in place, and maybe add social security for the elderly, is there enough money and jobs in the economy that the middle class would grow, lifting large numbers of people out of poverty?

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7 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

And how do you see the Mexican government deciding that redistribution of wealth is a good idea? It will never happen voluntarily.

Why would the moneyed class ever choose to reduce their wealth and standard of living? Answer: they won’t. If you’re going to raise the standard of the lower class, you do it through education, business, and organically growing the economy. You don’t do it through enforced socialism, because that will never work.

So, @JLeslie I think you’re dreaming. You write an idea which is theoretically attractive, but is utterly unrealistic. And it wouldn’t work anyway.

zenvelo's avatar

About as successful as this:

Mexico The United States, like many Latin American countries, has a wealthy upper class, and a lot of poverty, and a not very large middle class, but I actually don’t know what the current statistics are. I write this having learned about the money distribution years ago in school, and talking to my Mexican American family members (my husband is Mexican American).

Let’s say a reasonable minimum wage was put in place, and maybe add not destroy social security for the elderly, is there enough money and jobs in the economy that the middle class would grow, lifting large numbers of people out of poverty?

gondwanalon's avatar

@zenvelo Acually the bourgeoise in the United States is about 50% of the population. That’s not even anywhere close to “a not very large middle class”.

zenvelo's avatar

@gondwanalon I would disagree on your assesment. Class structure in the US is more like 15% upper, 35% middle, and 50% lower. And more people get shifted into the bottom every year.

And with the top 1% controlling 90% of wealth, we could easily tax 50% of that and redictribute it to the bottom 45%.

JLeslie's avatar

@elbanditoroso Oh, I don’t think it would ever happen. Not for the next hundred years anyway. I just wondered about the actual dollar amount. Is there so much money in the country that if it were spread around there is enough to raise everyone up? Or, is the population too large, and the money flowing too little for it to work even if everyone agreed to the plan.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

There is never enough.

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