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mazingerz88's avatar

If Trump was a Democratic President, what would Republicans have already done in light of Mueller’s recent findings?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) December 8th, 2018 from iPhone

The word criminal is being thrown around in the media this morning.

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17 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

They would want no stone left unturned,look how much they backed Star when finding out about a blowjob.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I agree with @kritiper. That’s about all they could do is bitch, just like that’s about all the democrats can do at this point.

@SQUEEKY2 We are leaving no stone unturned! :) It just takes time.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I know @Dutchess_III but the right have been bitching it’s taking to much time and money, but when the shoe is on the other foot,example Trump was a democrat (SHUDDER) the right wouldn’t be bitching about time and money.

Yellowdog's avatar

If Trump was a Democratic president, there would be no investigation.

ragingloli's avatar

They would be openly calling for his assassination.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The idea of Trump as Democratic President is so preposterous that it boggles the mind to merely consider it. Can anyone name a single policy or measure from Trump that would be endorsed by the Democratic Party?

But don’t worry. Rest assured that come January the Democrats will see to it that the remainder of Trump’s days are one truly spectacular version of unending hell. After all, the list of the fool’s crimes thus far exceeds by orders of magnitude anything in the neighborhood of lying about a blow job! The stockpile of ammunition the Donald has piled up for the Democrats is so enormous that the smart move is probably not to impeach him, but rather to roast his hot ass alive. Every misstep, every fkd up policy, every LIE will be called to account, and never was there an individual more deserving of being tied down and picked clean by vengeful political buzzards.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I agree @stanleybmanly. It takes a certain special stupidity to endorse a thing like trump. The Dems are much smarter than that.

filmfann's avatar

If Trump had been elected as a democrat, there would be republican lead protest marches, with torches and pitchforks instead of signs.
The hypocrisy of the right is mind blowing.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yesterday, for the first time, trump was implicated in a potentially criminal act. His lawyer ratted him out.
Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

si3tech's avatar

The GOP would say “Stop that!”

JLeslie's avatar

They would want to go after Trump with every possible angle to get rid of him.

If Trump was a Democrat republicans would be bit hung about his lack of morality and lack of family values. They would be saying here we go again with another cheater and liar. They would freak out about his use of swear words. They would say he is not a Christian. They would criticize him for using so much tax money to protect his family. They would complain about him not showing his tax returns. Some of the lowest of the low would start email rumors that Stormy Daniels had an abortion, or some other affair he had. They would criticize Trump for so much turnover among his staff. They would go insane with the nepotism in the White House. They would go on and on and on. They would be hypocrites with amnesia. The Democrats are hypocrites too with amnesia too.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, we’re doing exactly that ourselves @JLeslie. We’re going after him from every possible angle. And we’ll get him.

Soubresaut's avatar

I doubt Trump could have beaten either of the Democratic candidates in the primaries.

But yes, if he was somehow a Democratic president, the Republicans would be putting their full weight behind supporting the Mueller investigation, and in this specific action (whatever the disagreements on broader policies) I believe they would have the support of many within the Democratic party and within the Democratic voting base.

flutherother's avatar

There isn’t anything party political in Mueller’s findings. They aren’t about Republicans or Democrats they are about Trump.

JLeslie's avatar

@Dutchess_III We’ll see. It didn’t work when the Republicans did it to Clinton. The “Democrats”’says Trump would be our in a month two years ago. They were sure he didn’t really want to be president. They were sure they would get him on so many things. Yet here we are two years later. Now, we have a little more power, so for the first time I think maybe one thing will happen, but I still have my doubts.

I HATED the waste of time and money and division in our country and interfering in the president’s marriage when it came to all the political bullshit to remove Clinton, I will hate a waste of time in regards to Trump also. Not that I don’t think it’s important to pursue lies that were told regarding meetings with Russia, and what is going now, but the whole Stormy Daniels thing was a waste of the country’s time, although I think on a civil or criminal level if she was physically threatened that is worth pursuing for herself. I doubt Trump did something inpeachable with Russia, but I do think we should investigate it, no question we should.

Stache's avatar

Block Supreme Court appointments.

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