What is your estimate of the average Fluther poster IQ?
Would you say that the average IQ is higher or lower here than in the general population? What effect, if any, does your IQ have on those two averages? Do you think that the Q in IQ is given too much weight and should be reduced? Should questions which involve mathematics or logic be banned from Fluther?
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41 Answers
Overall, and over time, it seems to me the average IQ of the universe of people who have posted is probably the same as the general population: 100.
There are a large number of posters who only ask one or two questions and then disappear. Many of them seem to be of average intelligence.
I bring the average down, a few points.
Buy the Jelly currently writing a reply is bringing it right back, and even upping it quite some.
Let’s look at it pseudo-scientifically and work with some general assumptions.
Assumptions – with the understanding that there are exceptions at both ends of the spectrum.
1) IQ is a measure of a person’s cognitive capacity relative to his or her peers with 100 being the average. (Definition)
2) People who read have a higher IQ than non-readers and perform better on standardized tests. (In general, readers do much better than non-readers on standardized tests that measure IQ.)
3) Language ability is positively correlated with IQ. (Meaning, in general, correct language usage is correlated with higher IQ.)
4) Education level is positively correlated with income. (In general, those with higher degrees have higher income.)
5) IQ is positively correlated with education level. (Meaning higher IQ people generally have higher education level.
Given that definition of IQ and the testable assumptions listed above, let’s now look at the average fluther user.
a)They can read and write with a very good command of the English language as well as their native language.
b) They have enough income to own a device capable of connecting to the internet.
c) They have the funds to pay for an internet connection. (Sure, there are probably a few doing it at an internet cafe but the vast majority are fluthering from home or work.)
d) They clearly enjoy reading and are willing to spend free time doing so. They could be watching TV, or bowling, or any of hundreds of other activities that consume free time, but prefer instead to read and write here.
e) They are not engaging in sex while fluthering.
Given that so many people in the world are poor, uneducated, illiterate, and the average fluther user has most or all the qualities listed above, I’d say the average flutherer is well above the 50% or 100 IQ level and is deep into the top half of one standard deviation above the mean or 83% or an IQ of 115.
(When they aren’t thinking about sex.)
Too specific?
@rebbel It’s a well known fact that All Dutch, every single one of them, are above average.
I read that entire post and can only remember the sex parts. Where does that put me on the scale, @LuckyGuy? ;-)
Proof of my lesser than average IQ is the fact that I forgot to proof read my answer, again (“buy” should be “but”).
Plus, I once joined in an experiment.
We’d had to guess our IQ; low or high.
Those that guessed correct had high IQ’s.
I guessed wrong.
Like, 5, man, because they are all dumb, brainwashed libtards, hyuk, hyuk, hyuk.
Hail Trump.
I have NO idea what my IQ even is & I really don’t care. I’ve know members of Mensa who couldn’t walk & chew gum at the same time. I’ve known complete idiots who had more common sense than some members of Mensa. I’m NOT impressed by IQ’s!!!
I also do NOT believe in banning anything from anywhere. IF someone wants the answer, they should be allowed to ask. IF someone else is offended by their Q, they have the right to pass on responding. NOTHING says that you must respond to a Q that you find offensive; but, I don’t feel a Q that you find offensive should automatically be banned!!!
Okay @LadyMarissa you don’t like IQ scores, I get it.
But being able to get out of a wet paper bag . . . without algebra means what ?
You’re NO longer in a wet paper bag & you didn’t really need Algebra to get where you are!!!
@LadyMarissa My ears are ringing. Can you dial it down a bit, please? :-)
@chyna has sex in a wet paper bag! haha
Yeah, @chyna, working out how the sex thing is a part of this.
@LadyMarissa your opinion on algebra only
I did get to where I am with Algebra and Geometry !
I hated Algebra & loved Geometry!!!
Now I’ve just got to get @chyna to explain how she got to sex with a wet paper bag!!!
(I brought up the sex thing from an old Seinfeld where George becomes smarter because he is dating a woman who won’t have sex. Elaine on the other hand….
See the link I included in my original answer. )
I don’t know. Can we assign negative scores for I.Q. .
I just read the above answer thread, and here’s what I’ve comprehended and retained:
Blah blah blah blah SEX blah SEX blah blah SEX SEX blah blah.
I wonder whether I raise or lower the mean.
I am just a dumb middle age truck driver who thinks everyone with a full time job deserves at least a living wage, and everyone on the planet has a right to affordable healthcare.
Guess that makes me extra stupid.
Lucky Guy’s sexual references mark him as borderline comedic genius, one way or another.
I’m wondering how this question doesn’t have topics.
I strongly suspect a fair proportion are sophomaniacs making it hard to tell.
Abd we get smarter every day when others use fancy words.
My search engine history is much more varied and richer because of this site. I’d be willing to bet that is true for the majority of folks here.
^^^^Hitler was never tested; IQ tests were banned because they were considered Jewish.
Smart enough to spell and wrong :D
@zenvelo Whether he was tested or not is beside the point, isn’t it? Go ahead and Google “Did Hitler have high IQ?”. Do you need an actual test to see if someone has a high IQ?
@flo, IQ is a specific measurement of deductive reasoning skills determined by very specific tests, so, yes, you do need an actual test to see if someone has a high IQ.
My reading of @Pinguidchance‘s OP is “How intelligent are Fluther users? not so much What would the score be if they took the test?
And besaides Google “iq tests are meaningless” and see.
You asked about IQ specifically. I don’t care how you interpreted the Q, or if you think IQ tests are meaningless. I answered your specific question in your post.
And, BTW, the word “meaningless” is so subjective as to be, itself, meaningless in this context.
@flo Someone stating Hitler had a high IQ is not at all validation that he did indeed have a high IQ. There is nothing he did historically that demonstrates a capacity for intellectual dexterity or discernment.
I would guesstimate average fluther user somewhere between 100 and 125 with a couple of outliers.
I don’t know mine for the record and I would guess that most of us don’t either. It’s just a crude measure of capacity for learning and no guarantee that you’ll actually do anything with it. There is also a a correlation with higher IQ and mood disorders and I see no shortage of that here… I.M.O. having slightly better than average IQ is sort of a sweet spot.
@zenvelo Someone stating that he didn’t or we don’t know is not a validation that he didn’t or that it’s not known either right?
@flo, no, that is a false equivalence. You are trying to require proving a negative.
If I say “I don’t know” there is nothing to prove or be validated. If you say “I know Hitler had a high IQ”, I and everyone else get to say, “show me your authoritative determination”; without it, it is not at all demonstrated and is just your opinion.
I’m Dutch so I go with @LuckyGuy‘s assertion. :D.
In my opinion, I think it’s a little higher than average among the long time users.
I can’t even fathom a question requiring math or logic being banned.
To answer the 2nd question, I think my IQ is right in the middle of the Fluther average.
I have a fluther poster. I also have an old fluther mug and bumper sticker. Not sure of their i.q.
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