Have Republicans Become so desperate that they're turning on the voters?
I haven’t been able to prove any of this; but I’ve also not been able to disprove it either…
Your Vote No Longer Counts unless you vote the way you’re expected to vote.
This is supposed to be happening in Wisconsin. Any jellies from Wisconsin??? Can you verify or show that it’s false???
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34 Answers
Just watched your link. Pretty flipping frightening.
The Republicans do not like universal suffrage. They are sore losers.
Your question’s premise, ”...have Republicans Become so desperate… carries an inference that this is new, when in fact they have behaved this way for years. It is just more pronounced these days.
@JLeslie Scared the crap out of me!!! Still, I don’t believe everything I hear or read. What bothers me even more is that while searching for further info, I can find NOTHING…not even a denial!!! It also makes me wonder what they’re doing in the background that hasn’t seen the light of day yet??? Is trump being used as the perfect patsy??? Is he’s the perfect distraction while they rig the 2020 election???
This has been widely reported in recent news. Yes they are doing it. I don’t have time to link but there is an editorial piece about it in today’s New York Times.
@zenvelo I think they are more blatant about it right now as they see their powers waning in the changing demographics. Rather than coming up with a compelling message, they are stealing power.
@zenvelo I realize that it’s NOT NEW!!! My first job was as an assistant for the Republican Policy Committee on Capitol Hill. They worked hard at being crooked even back then!!! This is just the first time I’ve ever seen them own up to what they’re doing. It’s like they’re daring the voters to do something about it!!! Having an idea of how they think, it makes me really wonder what it is that they are up to…Hmmmm!!!
@janbb Thanks. Maybe I can find it today. I spent a good part of yesterday searching for more info. I’d love to see the explanation of BOTH sides so I can decide what it is that “I” think!!!
Desperate? More desperate. And deplorable to boot. My hope is voters from Wisconsin, includIng Republicans, make it known that this is not ok.
Waiting for our resident Republicans to come and justify this.
I’m waiting for our little wulfie to chime in and claim it’s Fake, and his reasoning for it.
@tinyfaery $ @SQUEEKY2 He’s the only one that still has enough patience and time to play with you guys on politics.
You really should give him more credit for that, since I have PM’s from jellies telling me goodbye again in my Inbox, two in the last three weeks, keep it up and it’ll be free of Reps soon! :)
Gee free of insults, name calling,and the right is always the way and that would be bad why?
@KNOWITALL: “keep it up and it’ll be free of Reps soon”
You recently said that you were ok with people dying due to your votes. And now you’re threatening to run if this place doesn’t act like a safe space for Republicans/sociopaths? Bye.
@notnotnotnot No, I didn’t and no I didn’t. How about telling the truth, I said it (healthcare) wasn’t my primary focus when voting. And I wasn’t threatening to leave, I said almost all the
Reps have stopped engaging here and many left. LOL, you aren’t even at 5k lurve, so calm down newbie.
@KNOWITALL notnotnot is no newbie. Low lurve doesn’t mean someone is new. I’ve been here for ten years yet look at my lurve. Many of us create new accounts. btw- I’m in Madison, WI. Do you have an answer to @LadyMarissa‘s question? I’d love to hear it.
Makes me wonder if this is unprecedented and the deplorable age of trump gave this Reps from Wisconsin the chutzpah and the idea in the first place.
@janbb Thank you. I get the digital edition of The Week but it hasn’t been available for download just yet. Been thinking about switching to hard copy.
@tinyfaery Me Too!!!
@notsoblond Great info on those links…THANKS!!! I remembered that you had moved, but had forgotten it was to Wisconsin…sorry!!!
@mazingerz88 Makes me wonder if they didn’t nominate trump for the specific reason of keeping us occupied with his BS while they pillage the villages???
@notsoblond No, I don’t think anyone truly cares what anyone thinks who doesn’t agree with them, so it’s fairly pointless to insert oneself here only to get into a one-sided war, again. Boring.
Same original account here, but I’m sure there’s a legitimate need for a new account for some people.
@KNOWITALL If you lived in Wisconsin you wouldn’t think it’s boring. Republicans here are saying our votes don’t matter.
@KNOWITALL You are fucking deluded. All I said was I waiting for repubs to come in and justify this. I did not mention a name nor did I offend anyone. I wouldn’t be asking for a response if I didn’t care. No one on fluther is a martyr.
So much for democracy in Wisconsin, if they get away with this the rest of your country is next.
@tinyfaery And you can’t read. Let me use small words and type slowly…..
You were asking about Reps/ Wulfie replying, I simply said many have left so ya’ll should give Wulfie a little credit for still engaging you (after all the abuse you heap on him, a vet at that.)
Yes, I can see how you’d think this was a big deal. If I had three hours to be badgered to death I’d have replied. smh
@notsoblond The question isn’t boring, intellectually the site is still stimulating, just not as much as it used to be (pre-2016.)
The abuse we heap on him??????
PLEASE! he slings mud and insults like no tomorrow and you claim he is the victim.
The one Rep/con I truly respect on this site is @Jaxk because he stays respectful even if you totally disagree with him.
Unlike wulfie who turns to name calling and insults, and you claim he is the victim typical rep/con of you.
Someone has time to cry victim but doesn’t have time to answer the question.
@SQUEEKY2 I wish I could post @Jakx last message to me for you then. haha, you just don’t get it do you? You can’t call people racists and all kinds of garbage for two plus years and expect those same people to still want to engage you.
@notsoblond ‘Someone’ should stop being passive aggressive.
I don’t care which party you vote for, this should HORRIFY EVERY AMERICAN!!! I don’t know why I was so shocked when I heard it. Still it has shaken me to my core!!! People laughed at me when I commented that the “hanging chad” was the beginning of the end. Then when we were forced to vote by computer, I was scoffed at for pointing out that computer results can easily be manipulated. Voters ignored the gerrymandering & now they are canceling out our votes. What does it take to wake up everybody ???
Rep/cons think they are the only way, Deregulate business let them do what they want as for pollution or safe working conditions who cares as long as profits are up.
Deny climate change it gets in the way of profits,anyways who needs air to breath or water to drink, as long as profits are up.
Convince the lower classes that trickle down works, give the wealthy all the breaks and hopefully they will pee the excess on the lower class.
And above all else do not adopt a universal health care, for profit health care is the best who cares if the lower classes can’t access it, if they can’t afford the insurance they can just crawl off and die.
Next claim Rep/cons care the most because they donate the most to charities< see they care the donation check is in the mail.
@LadyMarissa Since the only Republican who has spoken so far has no interest in the discussion I found a Facebook page that might give you some insight as to how they are thinking. It’s called The Wisconsin Conservative Digest. There are many posts you’ll have to sift through but you should find something concerning this topic.
I prefer to think that ALL rep/cons have an interest….just don’t want to speak against their party…hopefully out of pure embarrassment!!!
@notsoblond (Psst….I’m not a Republican. I voted for Bill and even at midterms voted at least two Dems. I have an interest in the discussion, but you people make intellectual replies impossible.)
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