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Does the offer of "anything" still work on men these days?
One of the most tempting thing a woman can say to a man is when she says she’s willing to do anything, “anything” for the man and leave it in vague limbo. As popular as this thing seem to sounds like in popular media I’m wondering if it’s actually working in real life if you consider yourself as attractive woman.
Suppose that a woman is in the middle of a one-on-one private interview with a man. Upon checking her documentation he says
Man: “It seems that you don’t meet some of our requirement for the job, Miss”
Lady: “Yes, I know about that, sir, but I’m a hard worker, willing to learn, and I’m someone who is willing to do anything to get the job, sir. Anything (overly-stressed with seductive tone, with her eyes point down and up again, y’know what it means)”
Man: “Anything?”
Lady: “Anything, sir”
Do you think it will be successful in general?
Another example when a woman has her car fixed in a private-owned repair shop. She comes to pick her car but realize that she doesn’t have enough money for it.
Mechanic: “You agreed to pay $200 to fix your car”
Lady: “I’m really sorry, sir. I only have $100 with me now, that’s all I have. Can you please make an exception just this once? I’m really short on money at the moment. Please?”
Mechanic: “come back when you have enough money to pay”
Lady: “Wait, sir. I really need my car now. Can you please just make an exception this time? Please?”
Mechanic: “Come back with the money (he’s about to go)”
Lady: “Look, I’ll give you the $100. That’s all I have. For the rest, is there any other way I can pay for it? I’m willing to do anything, sir. Anything, that, you, might, need, help, with, sir (Said word-by-word with obvious intention. she’s wearing rather revealing cloth at the moment)”
Mechanic: “Anything?”
Lady: “Anything”
Is it possible for such a thing to work in real life?
Do you believe that ‘irresistable offering’ can sometimes give you an alternative path to get what you want in general? As unethical as you might think it is do you believe that such a thing is still going to be effective in real life given that you’re a fearless attractive woman? Is it at least worth a try?
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