Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Is it unhealthy for you to accidentally swallow Christmas tinsel?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33724points) December 10th, 2018

Can you contract tinselitis?

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6 Answers

josie's avatar

Yes, you might get tinselitis.
But I had a dog when I was a kid who would occasionally eat that stuff, and it wound up in the back yard. So whatever happens on the way, it will probably go right through you.
Having said that, if it was made in China, who knows what it is made out of.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Well I don’t think it would be actually healthy for you, but seeing how many tiny children help decorate at Christmas time I really doubt it would do you great harm,and just pass it after a while.

ucme's avatar

I mean, your shit will be as shiny as Snow White’s freshly shaven pussy, but hey.

augustlan's avatar

Tinselitis aside (I laughed), it actually can be dangerous for pets. Apparently, it can tangle up and get wrapped around important innards. (When my cat ate it, all that happened was she had a streamer of shine hanging out her ass for a bit, lol.)

Pinguidchance's avatar

On the contrary, it may glister as brightly as a shining star atop a christmas tree giving you that inner glow.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Well…it would wrap around the legos in your tum and soften the sharp edges so swallowing tinsel would be a good thing.

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