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JLeslie's avatar

Does Bloomberg have a chance in the primaries?

Asked by JLeslie (65937points) December 10th, 2018 from iPhone

I saw Bloomberg say on The View today that if he runs for president in the next election it would be as a Democrat. Do you think he could win the primaries and then beat Trump if Trump runs again?

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6 Answers

mazingerz88's avatar

Not an exciting enough candidate but I’ll wait until all the players are in.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The Las Vegas betting line on Trump being impeached is almost even.

zenvelo's avatar

Bloomberg does have some appeal to a wide range of moderates, but it is more like, “he’s okay, but not my favorite.”

People know of him, but they don’t know him.

JLeslie's avatar

@Caravanfan This time, he again did not commit to running. He said a few years ago he couldn’t, because when they looked at it they determined an Independent can’t win. That he would just be seen as a spoiler.

@zenvelo I think that’s true that a lot of America doesn’t know much about him. I don’t like some things he did, but I would definitely consider voting for him. It would be interesting—two businessmen from NYC going head to head. Except Bloomberg actually is what I expect a NY, or even northeast, politician to be, socially liberal and fiscally moderate.

gorillapaws's avatar

If Dems want 8 years of Trump, they should definitely run a “moderate” Corporate Candidate.

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