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chyna's avatar

Who do you think should be Trump's next chief of staff?

Asked by chyna (51731points) December 11th, 2018 from iPhone

And does anyone really want the job?

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24 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

No one qualified wants the job. Used to be, working for the White House was an honor and people made themselves available. Given the last 23 months, it no longer carries that cachet.

Ivanka should take it, she’s the only one that can tune out the President and won’t listen to his criticism. But, she probably couldn’t handle the daily pawing.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

The Hamburgler.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Any champion masochist

rebbel's avatar

Stephen Colbert applied.
I applaud.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Bozo the Clown picture

Anyone with a drop of intelligence will not take the job. It will remain vacant.

flutherother's avatar

Those best qualified for the job are have headed for the hills. Trump will be forced to look to golfing partners, business associates and family members for a replacement. MAGA.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Chris Christie, who’s been pandering to Trump for a long time. Christie wanted to be Attorney General; that isn’t happening; this job might be the next best thing.

It’s hard to believe, though, that even Christie would accept the position. Except for close family members, almost everyone who’s entered the Trump inner circle has had life changed in very bad, and sometimes irreparable, ways.

A couple of years ago, when Michael Cohen was riding so high, could he have even imagined his own fall? Flynn, Kelly, Manafort, Bannon, Sessions, Tillerson, Spicer… This is a small portion of a long and growing list.

mazingerz88's avatar

Non-serious answer —— Darth Vader

Serious answer ——- Darth Vader, after Luke took his mask off and we see Anakin Skywalker for the first time. ( let’s assume he didn’t die yet )

mazingerz88's avatar

Another question could be who in Fluther could be trump’s Chief of Staff?

ragingloli's avatar

Probably one of his local sycophants.

mazingerz88's avatar

The job requires someone who could get up very early in the morning.

rojo's avatar

Are you wanting the job @chyna ?

mazingerz88's avatar

…and metaphorically “juggle grenades with pins pulled out and not even blink when it all goes boom.”

Tough job! How much is the pay?

janbb's avatar

Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Chief of Stuff, yes.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Jesse Vantura.

mazingerz88's avatar

trump : I have so many people I can’t interview them all.

Reporter : Mr. President, those are Gru’s minions.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@mazingerz88 I don’t care IF it paid $10 billion a second it wouldn’t be enough for the headache & heartache that goes along with it!!!

LadyMarissa's avatar

Mick Mulvaney has just been tapped as acting White House chief of staff

rojo's avatar

The same Mick Mulvaney that said Trump was A terrible human being ?

Sure, personally I think he over exaggerated referring to him as a human being but that is just me. .

janbb's avatar

Have you seen the meme of FB of a dog holding up the phone, “Yes, this is Dog. No, I don’t want to be your Chief of Staff.”

mazingerz88's avatar

It’s obvious the perfect Chief of Staff for trump is the soulless racist anti-immigrant demon creature called Stephen Miller.

He would ask for a mere 13 pieces of silver for a year’s wages, content in the knowledge that he could wreak more havoc and suffering on those he loathe with impunity.

zenvelo's avatar

@mazingerz88 13 pieces of silver and a case of spray on hair!

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