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Rohith's avatar

Have you heard of pangolin which is the most trafficked mammal on this planet?

Asked by Rohith (403points) December 16th, 2018

Here’s a story by CNN reporter. It’s really sad to see the plight of these creatures. One commonality i can see is the Chinese market / medicine usage over there be it tiger, elephants or many endangered species like them. Do you think something can be done about it?

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13 Answers

trailsillustrated's avatar

Because they are so adorable.

janbb's avatar

I’ve heard the name but didn’t really know anything about them.

Rohith's avatar

I also didn’t know much about them but it got my attention when I read a news of some poachers being apprehended for trafficking them in a part of the state where I live. I’m not sure about their numbers but I think it’s less in India compared to other Asian countries.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I know of pangolins. They walk like mini T-Rex dinosaurs !

The obvious thing to do is spread rumors about pangolins, shark fins, bear paw, rhino horn etc. Start the rumor that they shrink a guy’s pee pee.

Maybe hire the Russians, they ran a great misinformation campaign in 2016. Put them to work for good instead of evil.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I’m wondering if anyone would miss them if they were gone.

Rohith's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay – I’m not sure what’s your point. Are you saying the link shared contains false information?

Rohith's avatar

@Patty_Melt – That’s one reason they would be extinct one day because nobody knows they exist. I’m sure creatures on this planet would be more than happy if human race is wiped out from earth because we are taking them to extinction due to our greed and indiscriminate killing.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

The link is just to show their awesome dinosaur walk.

The disinformation scheme is a separate subject.

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Demosthenes's avatar

I have heard of them, yes. It just goes to show that homeopathic medicine, in addition to being complete bunk, can be very destructive to the environment. Don’t know what can be done to decrease the demand; the tradition of these kinds of medicines (not to mention the aphrodisiacs) is very strongly rooted in places like China.

rojo's avatar

Vaguely aware of their existence. Did not realize their plight.

tinyfaery's avatar

Of course. I make it a habit to keep apprised of these things.

majorbacon's avatar

Yes, I have heard of pangolins. I don’t agree with people having any wild animal as a pet. We have enough domesticated animals to have as pets. Leave the wild in the wild.

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