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Dutchess_III's avatar

Is there any thing that could have turned you in to a hoarder of that thing?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47236points) December 18th, 2018

Boxes, man. It used to tear me up to throw a perfectly good box in the trash. For a long time I broke them down and stored them, but ran out of room even for that.
Also, jars and plastic coffee containers. They all seemed like such Useful Things that throwing them away felt like a dreadful waste. But who has room for 30 years worth of jars and coffee cans and boxes?
But now I recycle so I sleep much easier at night. ;)

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22 Answers

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

My wife accuses me of hoarding cast iron cookware. I’m not a hoarder, I’m a collector. There is a difference.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I could get into hoarding extra supplies, like the extreme couponers. I really enjoy looking at their basements full of extra laundry soaps and things, turns me on…lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s what all addicts say, @ARE_you_kidding_me! But I love cast iron too. I pick it up at auctions and garage sales if it is cheap enough.

LOL @KNOWITALL! Does your husband know about your secret fetish?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Oh yes, he buys me Comet and Pine Sol on occasion. Anything to do with cleaning or cleaning supplies, I am so in….haha, I know it’s goofy but I’m a little OCD so it’s a pleasure.

I have a lot of cast iron, too, my favorite is the flat round griddle. Great for grilled cheese. My husband got aggravated because I gave a lot to an older couple a few years ago at a garage sale, but they were collectors and so cute, I couldn’t resist loading them up. I gave them the corn ear cast iron molds, for cornbread, which I kind of regret a tad, but I hope they’re enjoying them.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Perfect for pancakes too. I season it with butter and pour my first round of pancakes. Because of the butter they come out kind of crispy and I don’t like that, so I give them to the dogs. But after that I don’t butter the griddle any more and they come out perfect. Rick keeps putting butter on the grill before every batch, even though I’ve asked him not to, at least not for mine.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Silly Rick, don’t need it on cast iron! haha
(BTW, dogs ALWAYS have to have a pancake!! I leave the last of the batter for one big one then let them each have half with no syrup.)

flutherother's avatar

I had started to hoard polythene bags until a 5p charge was slapped on them.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What is a polythene bag?

flutherother's avatar

Plastic bags. What you put your groceries in at the supermarket. Supermarkets here now sell reusable bags which helps cut down the amount of plastic litter.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I used to keep every bit of paper and writing in university from essays to emails. It took me years to process through disposing them. I still have all of my pre University report cards. I still have all the assignments at my moms house. There is an old joke. A dean was talking about how much of expenses that the different faculties were charging. The math department was second lowest price seing that they only needed pens paper and a garbage bin. The cheapest department was philosophy which only needed pens and paper. No garbage bins.

ragingloli's avatar

right now, I am hoarding all kinds of things, but mostly canned dog food and nuclear waste.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, OK @flutherother. Walmart here accepts those bags for recycle. I’ve always wondered how they did it, and why can’t our city recycling accept them?

I have the reusable bags, but I always forget to take them with me. :( I’ve started asking for paper bags now.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@Dutchess_III I’m not a hoarder because if it’s less than 40 years old I won’t buy it. I’ll give duplicates away as gifts and if it’s not what I’m into collecting I’ll leave it.

augustlan's avatar

Chairs. Full-size and miniatures. There’s just something about their form I find extremely pleasing! I am now banned from bringing any more chairs into the house, lol.

I collect lots of other things, too, but the don’t take up nearly the space of a chair collection. ;)

AshLeigh's avatar

Mugs. I have so many mugs. And I don’t even drink coffee.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@augustlan For some reason that’s hilarious. I like chairs, too, especially wingback.

augustlan's avatar

@KNOWITALL I know, it’s such a weird thing to collect, lol!

kritiper's avatar

Odd one-of-a-kind nuts and bolts. And all kinds of other small interesting doo-dads that collect in a drawer of my tool box. You just never know when you’ll need any one item, and if you throw it away today, tomorrow you’ll wish you still had it!

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I love love chairs too. I don’t think it’s just the shape. I think it’s the association of…friendship? Make yourself at home? Have something to eat? Home?
I’m in the process of unloading some chairs and it’s killin’ me…

Qav's avatar

I was an actual hoarder at one time, and I still have to watch myself, so that I don’t start again. I had to have three of everything: one to use, a back-up item in case the one being used failed, and another to back up the back-up item. When I retired, my intention was to sleep for three weeks, but I didn’t get to. Instead, I started getting rid of the triplicate stuff I’d hoarded. Ah, that was better than sleep!

Pinguidchance's avatar

As long as I can remember I used to go around collecting large boards.

They were usually like those that typically surround building sites.

I was especially on the look out for the ones containing advertising signs.

I’m not sure how or why the hobby got started.

Eventually the police, council officers and community services converged on my house.

They said that my collection was definitely considered hoarding.

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