General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

What would an unmanned vehicle do if I tried to force it off the road?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33699points) December 19th, 2018

I was reading that Kroger is beginning to deliver groceries now link using unmanned, autonomous vehicles.

Suppose I were not a nice person. I wanted to cause it to veer off the road, cutting it off and deliberately forcing it out of the traffic lane.

What are these autonomous vehicles trained to do? Would they docilely just go off the side? Would they ‘fight back’ and try to retain their position? Would they simply stop in the middle of the street?

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6 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Put on brakes and steer away for other car While Video is running showing the encroaching vehicle’s license plate and close up of driver.

zenvelo's avatar

It would stop. It would sense you trying to veer it off the road, and as you got close, would slow and then stop.

If you really jerked infromt of it, it would most likely still hit you. And the insuance company would use the video to sue you in court.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@zenvelo Is it capable of calling 9–1-1 automatically or ?

zenvelo's avatar

@KNOWITALL If it’s built right, yes!

The negineer that built the glitter bomb to trick package theives had automatic GPS tracking and notification to his phone whenver the fake package got stolen.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@zenvelo Yes, those are fun to watch.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

It would stop

Great advantage of autonomous cars. They simply declie to participate in the game. They don’t get road rage, they don’t think driving is a competition or morality play, and they don’t drive drunk.

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