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luigirovatti's avatar

[NSFW] A delicate question: Can a woman make love while pregnant?

Asked by luigirovatti (3024points) December 20th, 2018

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20 Answers

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zenvelo's avatar

Yes, and as long as she is comfortable, full penetration is fine.

Some women have increased libido at times in their pregnancy. One woman I know said her insistence on sex with her husband at more than 8 months pregnant is the likely cause of her beginning contractions.and delivering the baby the next afternoon.

janbb's avatar

Yes she can.

luigirovatti's avatar

I did a bit of research, here’s what I got:

Let me know what you’re thinking in the answers below.

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filmfann's avatar

Absolutely, up till the final 6 weeks or so.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes. In fact I initiated sex with my husband when I was just a week shy of my due date hoping it would set everything in motion. It did. I I went into labor that night, had the baby the next morning.

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Dutchess_III's avatar

From your link “This is just in case labour is triggered by the “feel-good” hormone oxytocin, which is released during sex.
Uh. I don’t think so! I’m pretty sure that manipulation of the cervex brings on contractions. I always cramped a little after doctor’s appointment. It certainly wasn’t from “feeling good.”

kritiper's avatar

Yes, as long as it isn’t uncomfortable.

rojo's avatar

Personal experimentation would indicate that the answer is yes, they can. Repeatedly.

ucme's avatar

Oh look, a bunch of useless (deleted) posts from guaranteed non parents…so typical haha

There is no physical reason to defer from sexual intercourse during pregnancy, baby is protected in the tough amniotic sac housed in the equally robust womb.
As much as some guys think they’re packing a weapon, it ain’t that big & humping actually serves as a soothing rocking effect for the unborn baby.
Of course, it’s not uncommon for couples to cease from sex due to feeling squeamish or simply being ignorant of the perceived issues, but it’s fine…honest ;-}

snowberry's avatar

It’s fine, unless the mom is at risk for premature labor! I had twins, and was cautioned to not have sex toward the end to keep the kids inside las long as possible!

AshlynM's avatar

I don’t see why not.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Did they tell you how intercourse could put you into premature labor @snowberry? I only suspect it’s manipulation of the cervix, but I don’t know for sure.

snowberry's avatar

@Dutchess_III I don’t remember all the details. That was 30 years ago, but I do know that with twins, the weight of the babies causes the cervix to open wider and wider, which puts them at increasing risk of premature delivery. I was cautioned to not do anything that would encourage premature labor, which included tightening the muscles in my abdomen, or having sex.

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Rebecca_SJ's avatar

Yes; I’ve done it. Certain positions work better than others.

Dutchess_III's avatar

As I said above, I initiated sex with my first husband a week before my due date hoping it would put things in motion and it did.
The ridiculous thing is for the next 5 years, until our divorce, during arguments, he’d scream that I just used him that night! He just couldn’t get over it!
1) He had an orgasam that night. I did not.
2) All the hundreds of times he used me to get his jollies, even when I said I wasn’t in the mood, while I got nothing.

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