General Question

cheebdragon's avatar

What can I think about?

Asked by cheebdragon (20752points) August 22nd, 2008 from iPhone

I’m sitting in the dentists office and I am just iooking at the walls….I’ll probably be here awhile, so what can I think about?

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30 Answers

Adina1968's avatar

Whatever you do don’t think about the torture you are about to experience. Just kidding. :-) I HATE the dentist!

flameboi's avatar

I hate the dentist ;(

eeyore200343's avatar

think about me hehe

jlm11f's avatar

warning: these suggestions are made keeping cheeb’s personality/life in mind and so some are just for things she likes to do Think about the college courses you plan on taking. Since you just had your 21st birthday, think of the top 20 things you want to get done by 25. Think of a cool new activity to do with your son or a kiddie amusement park you can take him to. Make a list of the movies you want to watch. Think about new ways you can experiment with your makeup without buying any new cosmetics :P In general, making lists of everything and anything is how I try to get by while waiting for the doc/dentist. I hate waiting, patience is not one of my virtues :(

shilolo's avatar

Making sure they give you a working copy of your x-rays? ;-)

Harp's avatar

Here’s a riddle:

A hunter starts from his house, and walks one mile south to have lunch with a friend. Then he walks one mile west, where he meets a bear and kills it. Then he drags the bear 1 mile north back to his house.

What color is the bear?

shilolo's avatar

Can anyone answer this riddle, or just Cheeb?

Harp's avatar

Just Cheeb sit on your hands, shi

flameboi's avatar

Imagine you are in a desert island, its pristine waters and white sand, a cocktail, and lots of sun :)

shilolo's avatar

HEY!!!! I’m giving you the stinkeye, Rob!

Harp's avatar


robmandu's avatar

[ above was removed by myself ]

Harp's avatar

Good man

jlm11f's avatar

i am confused. why is that link a problem?

Harp's avatar

something tells me cheeb is doing the old rinse and spit while we’re here watching the screen

Harp's avatar

Because mr. smarty pants rob was attempting to reveal national secrets, that’s why

cyndyh's avatar

Think about aquariums. It’s colorful and calming. Easy to lose track of time.

robmandu's avatar

< < is terrible at riddles in general, and very pleased with himself whenever he happens upon one he can solve.

jlm11f's avatar

>>feels pretty stupid because i thought there really wasn’t a riddle in general and that harp was just trying to be funny

Harp's avatar


jlm11f's avatar

i get it!!!! (thanks to rob!)

whatthefluther's avatar

@cheeb…you must have a hundred magazines in front of you so just think: so many magazines, but who really gives a damn about the trash in dentist office magazines?! You can also look at the people reading junk and trying to look occupied and interested as they doze off!

cheebdragon's avatar

I’m waiting for the novacain to kick in

Skyrail's avatar

this video I find to be very funny, although you may not be able to see it on your iPhone, anyone else who wants a little laugh can watch it, hehe.

augustlan's avatar

Ok, so seven hours later, I’m reading this and am stumped by the stupid riddle, and the apparent answer…will someone please put me out of my misery and explain it to me?

whatthefluther's avatar

For the directions and distances to work, he must live on the North Pole making the bear white as in polar bear.

augustlan's avatar

Thanks, wtf, and breedmitch who PM’d the answer to me.

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