Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

What do you think would Jesus say to Trump’s Christian and evangelical supporters?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) December 25th, 2018 from iPhone

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8 Answers

yesitszen's avatar

Ironic much?

JLeslie's avatar

I think Jesus would be dumbfounded.

flutherother's avatar

Haven’t you people listened to a word I said?

rojo's avatar

Jesus should not say anything about it. What God wants, God gets. Who are we to question his choice of tools.

ragingloli's avatar

Does it matter?
He would look middle eastern, speak in a language they would misidentify as arabic, then proceed to call him a towelhead terrorist and tell him to fuck off back to the middle east, while they pelt him with rocks and maybe bullets.

kritiper's avatar

“You guys are freakin’ NUTS!”

stanleybmanly's avatar

He would be too embarrassed to be caught mentioning them let alone conversing with them in public. Trump really is unique in that both Jesus & the devil must surely shake their heads in disbelief. You might think at first that the devil must delight in so crudely mean and crass an individual with his wee little hands clutching the levers of power, but Trump is actually so intellectually bungling that he is rendered useless as a tool for evil. As the truly evil geniuses manipulating the workings of the country by now appreciate , Trump cannot be even groomed toward waxing diabolical, any more than he might be instilled with empathy or compassion. There’s just nothing there to work with. As for his Christian devotees, those who fail to recognize the contrast of the actual man with their professed beliefs and practices only serve to reinforce the perception of their ranks being distinguished for stupidity and the mentally defective.

rojo's avatar

He would not say anything. He would just hit them right between the eyes with their own holy book.

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