Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Have you ever noticed that there is a much greater variety of dogs than there are cats?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) December 26th, 2018

One of Rick’s nephews mentioned this yesterday and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. From the wolf ancestor we have created a gigantic variety of dogs. Big dogs, little dogs. Black dogs, white dogs, red dogs. Good dogs, bad dogs. Go Dogs, Go.
But from the original cat ancestor we’ve created basically the exact same cat, over and over. Stop Cats, Stop but only if you want to.

Why is this?

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10 Answers

rebbel's avatar

Big cats, little cats. Black cats, white cats, red cats. Good cats, better cats. Go Cats, Go.

Siamese, Burmese, Bengal, Turkish Van, Russian Blue, European short hair, Sphynx, Norwegian Forest cat, Maine Coon, Scottish Fold.
And those are from the top of my head.

stanleybmanly's avatar

From what I’ve seen, cats are every bit as varied as the dogs. Unless you’re talking pedigreed dogs and cats.

Zaku's avatar

Cats are purrfect already. ;-)

Dutchess_III's avatar

“Big cats little cats,” (domesticated cats that we breed) are still roughly the same size, unlike a Great Dane compared to a teacup Chihuahuas. I suspect, however, that has more to do with the general cat’s temperament. I love cats, but a domesticated house cat the size of a Great Dane would be dangerous.

josie's avatar

Yes, I have noticed. When you ignore the coat and color, cats all have the same face.

Dogs have different faces

Dutchess_III's avatar

Exactly. The same eyes, same everything. Siamese have mashed in faces but that’s the only real difference I see.

rebbel's avatar

In that logic the human can also be considered a cat.
Anyway, cats rule.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We don’t have a great variety of humans either. We basically all look the same. We’re getting more and more alike as time goes on, too.

ragingloli's avatar

Because usually cats just come home pregnant one day and who knows who the father is, so there is little control over breeding.
Just like humans.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s not true, @ragingloli. If it were there would be no such thing as a pure bred cat.
Also, lots of dogs get pregnant the same way.

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