Social Question

chyna's avatar

What do you do with the Christmas cards you received after Christmas is over?

Asked by chyna (51752points) December 27th, 2018 from iPhone

Pitch? Keep?

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14 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

Keep until the rest of the stuff gets put away, or if they come after that (I know an increasing number of folks who send New Year cards) I keep them for about a week before pitching.

zenvelo's avatar

Recycle with other paper.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I keep the ones that I consider extra special. The rest I donate to St Jude’s. They take used Christmas cards & give the children projects where they remove the backs & then replace them with nice clean backs. Then the new cards are packaged & sold in their gift shop the following Christmas to help raise money for their research & treatments. It helps me to feel that I’m giving back!!!

kritiper's avatar

I check them for foil and/or glitter. If they have any of the two, I rip that part off and throw it in the trash. The rest gets recycled.

rebbel's avatar

I have never intentionally ditched Xmas cards (as far as I can remember), but I also hardly ever come across old ones…..

ragingloli's avatar

Fortunately, I never receive any cards.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I keep them for the next year’s mailing list, with envelopes, in the Christmas tub.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I keep them forever.

janbb's avatar

Throw them out.

seawulf575's avatar

As with all cards. read them, respond as necessary, and dispose of unless they hold some deeper sentimental significance.

janbb's avatar

I do like putting them on the mantle over the holidays but then recycle them. I only send cards to my in-laws in England at this point.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I cut out sections and use them as gift labels the following year.

Every year my mom used to find a largish dead tree branch and she’d set it up and hang all the cards on it. It was pretty cool. She was an artist.

Kardamom's avatar

I collect Christmas cards. So I save the ones I really like, and recycle the rest with the paper.

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