Social Question

rojo's avatar

Are the Guatamalan authorities sending infected children to the United States in order to cause a pandemic and bring about the downfall of our country?

Asked by rojo (24187points) December 27th, 2018

Or is it just a plot to discredit ICE?

Two sick children have died in ICE custody. How many more are sick? No one has let that information out.

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51 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Or, since that line of work naturally attracts scum like that, the organisation is staffed by sociopathic xenophobes who, at best, do not care if brown children die, or, more likely, revel in it.

rebbel's avatar

This is meant as being sarcastic, right?

mazingerz88's avatar

trump didn’t say anything about any of the two deaths, I think.

He’s too chicken to say anything straight from his own mouth and would not even reading any prepared statement especially one written by Stephen Miller.

Anything from Miller addressing the deaths would be nothing but deplorable and dishonest stuff.

He did talk to the military about the great dangers at the border.
His next move could be, now that Gen. Mattis is gone, is to park an aircraft carrier at the border.

You can’t convince him otherwise that the US doesn’t even have any flying aircraft carriers because he saw one in The Avengers.

chyna's avatar

The father of the boy that died recently said he was not sick on the way to the border.
I think this would be a horrible rumor to spread.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Fake News!!

Dutchess_lll's avatar

What boy died? Last I heard a girl child died.

Why are you echoing trump with your Fake News! comment @KNOWITALL? I thought you didn’t like him either.

seawulf575's avatar

I think it is just child endangerment by the parents. The first child died of exposure and dehydration. That was not brought on by ICE. The second child got medical treatment, but when his condition worsened, the father (who left the wife and other children behind) refused to let authorities treat the child. Plain and simply, the parents are putting these children into a perilous situation and they are dying. To blame ICE is like saying the hospital killed a person that weighed 600#, drank like a fish, and had a heart attack before reaching the hospital.

chyna's avatar

I’m going to have to disagree with you @seawulf575, partially. The child had a fever of 103 at the hospital and they gave him an antibiotic and released him. A fever that high should be watched for at least a day. But yes, the father didn’t want to take the child back to the hospital when it was apparent he wasn’t getting better. Everyone failed that child.

seawulf575's avatar

And in the end, the child should never have been brought on a 1500 mile trek.

seawulf575's avatar

And this article shows that the child was only brought to try making entry into the US easier. Which is why all the kids and the wife didn’t come. In other words, it wasn’t for the child’s safety they brought him, it was to be used as a pawn.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Do you wear a tin foil hat at night, too?

Kids get sick for all sorts of reasons (my granddaughter has strep throat this week). The difference is that in civilized society, you go to a doctor and it gets addressed.

In a prison camp (and yes, that is the ICE facility – a prison camp), you get only the care the jailers provide you. Which means none.

It is bullshit to blame the parents. That’s dishonest and immoral.

The US / ICE is totally liable for its asinine prison policies as relate to refugees.

seawulf575's avatar

Do you not think at all? Your granddaughter has strep throat. Are you going to march her 1500 miles? Or even if she was healthy, would you march her 1500 miles in conditions that could easily make her sick? No you wouldn’t. Don’t be a hypocrite and a fool. THAT is dishonest and immoral.

rojo's avatar

Makes you wonder what kind of conditions someone would be fleeing that would justify trying to travel all that distance across unknown territory with a small child in order to take a chance on getting in at a hostile border knowing you are going to be locked up doesn’t it?

elbanditoroso's avatar

@seawulf575 my guess is that the kid who died contracted his disease on the walk, not in Guatemala.

rojo's avatar

@elbanditoroso my wife works in the medical field. Her first words when she heard of this childs death were that the crowded holding facilities with the close, confined quarters are surely breeding grounds for disease and the rapid spread of infections.

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso exactly my point. The child did not contract the disease in Guatamala. And @rojo according to the story, the kid was already sick before being put into the holding facility. So why would you drag a child 1500 miles to use them as a pawn? You put that child’s life at stake. And sickness is not the only hazard on that long trek. Why not just apply for an immigration visa up front?
@rojo the conditions they left were a small mountain village. And the conditions could not have been that dire because the wife and other children stayed behind. The father was going to see about making more money. So he put his child’s life at risk for the all mighty dollar.

chyna's avatar

^You have no way of knowing what conditions they came from.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Exactly. If a parent can remove a child from a bad situation, they should. Mass migration, and people fleeing wars, or famine, have been common throughout history. If we weren’t meant to move around, we’d have roots, like trees…

rojo's avatar

@seawulf575 could you provide the source of your information about the child being sick before being put into the holding facility? Everything I have been able to find indicate he and his father were detained on the 18th of Dec. and the boy did not exhibit any observable signs of illness until the morning of the 24th. Even given that he may have been sick the day before, that still means he was held for five days before getting sick and with a 1 -4 day gestation period for the flu it would mean he contracted it (if that is what he had and the latest reports, even from Fox, indicate that is what he had) while in custody.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_lll Because I want to?! The OP made it sound like a refugee conspiracy theory.

rojo's avatar

Man, just saw a vicious meme.

It said:

“I wondered if Republicans would care if it had been an 8 year old white child who had died”...

… “Then I remembered Sandyhook.”


ragingloli's avatar

They would have cared if the attacker had been brown.

zenvelo's avatar

ICE is using them as infection vectors to start an epidemic in the tent city. They have been ordered to get the. Hold count down quickly, this is most efficient.

tinyfaery's avatar

I hope it works. Starting with the ICE employees.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@zenvelo Source or sarcasm?

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s really stunning to suppose that people are leaving their homes in droves for the hellish abuse involved in journeying here, while some of us witnessing this actually propose that these people are risking their lives on some sort of frivolous whim. I find the stupidity in this attitude nearly intolerable. To regard this exodus as just the flow of selfish malcontents eager for the delights bubbling behind the fence of the amusement park is beyond stupid. The mind boggling indifference of Trump and his defenders to naked desperation is the one aspect to this catastrophe that we as a country will never live down.

chyna's avatar


seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly then answer some questions since you so firmly believe in their need. Why aren’t they trying to enter this country legally? Why aren’t they applying for a visa and coming here in accordance with our laws? Why are they risking their lives and the lives of their kids? Why didn’t they accept asylum in Mexico?

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Why don’t the Christians posting on this thread want to help these people? These children? Why don’t they have any compassion? What is wrong with whatever it is that they have guiding their lives? Why are they so hateful?

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 Just what do you suppose it might cost to apply for a visa in Honduras? And if the Mexicans are fleeing Mexico because they cannot earn a living, what chance has a dirt poor illiterate refugee in Mexico. And finally, the urgency is NOW. If we were to personally waive the fees and financial requirements required for them to apply for legal entry, can they wait the for 4–6 years for their case to be considered?

These are DESPERATE people And the irony in this is that our own laws favor desperate people over those who can afford to play by the rules and wait. Our laws state that “if you get here, we’ll give you a shot, and once you ask YOU ARE PROTECTED FROM ARBITRAY ADVERSE ACTIONS on the part of our government. Trump is out to ignore and change those rules in direct defiance of the Constitution you harp on as Obama’s doormat, and for the sake of my conscience and this country’s reputation, I can only hope that our courts continue to kick the shit out of his profoundly ignorant and callous ass.

Dutchess_lll's avatar


seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly, $190 to apply for a visa to the US in Honduras. I’m betting they spent more on their trek up here, especially if they paid a coyote, which many do. Oh! and it killed their kid. What’s the cost of a kid these days? Here’s a wonderful argument that says most immigrants from Central America pay between $6,000 and $10,000 to get smuggled into the US.

@Dutchess_III, get off your friggin’ high horse. Here’s a thought…I DO care about the children! I DO care about the people. The trip up to this country is full of extortion, human trafficking, rapes and disappearances and deaths. Why are non-Christian liberals posting on this thread so hateful towards these immigrants? Why don’t they care about their safety? Why do they support human trafficking?!? Don’t you care that women are raped?!?

So let’s recap…it’s cheaper and safer to apply for a work visa than to hike up here. The left wants these people to put themselves in danger. The left believes we shouldn’t have border laws at all, or at least we shouldn’t enforce them and that illegal entry into this country is better than legal immigration if that is what the illegal immigrants want.

mazingerz88's avatar

@seawulf575 Get this in your head if you can. Visa applications for these desperate poor people will never be approved.

Face the mirror and say “I really don’t want these desperate assholes here who trump said would breed and besides we already have a lot of them here. That satisfies my compassion quota.”

Just do that. Stop your BS about these desperate people applying for visas. You’re insulting your own brain.

Here in our county there’s a very large and successful Chinese community and some of them, hopefully just some of them and not all, marched and rallied against illegal immigrants/ border crossers —— their grievance is they waited years for their green cards and citizenship and they came here legally.

Fuck. Them!

Some of them had money or their parents in China gave them money to start a business
here and that’s their ticket to a visa.

Some of them are professionals who had work visas.

Some of them probably was smuggled here in a cargo ship.

Some of them probably got married to a US citizen.

But ALL of them feel it’s unfair that they have to suffer and wait while others simply crossed the border and wants to be in line.

How can these Chinese think like that? Because they feel no compassion. They don’t understand it. They lack imagination to think that if they were poor and uneducated from South America they TOO would be desperate to fucking cross that border. They are hypocrites and selfish!

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chyna's avatar

@Dutchess_lll I am a Christian. I am for the protection of the children. See my replies up there.^

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seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly you have made that same claim that our laws protect the illegals. Show me. Give me a link to the actual law that spells that out. I’ve got to see this for myself since I have shown you repeatedly where it doesn’t say that.

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KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess Ranting against Christians in general is ridiculous in relation to charity and giving. False flag. Feel free to list all the ways you nontheists have helped those kids, seriously I would love to see it.

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stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 We had this same discussion less than a month ago. I refer you back to it.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Sorry @chyna. I didn’t mean you. Guess I didn’t know you were a Christian.

Dutchess_III's avatar

To revisit the question, of course not. Those poor kids started out with compromised immune systems brought about by fear, stress and probably poor nutrition. They may be contagious but the average American is healthy enough to get passed it. If not, they have medical options that may not be available to the refugees.
In short, they can’t start a pandemic, IMO.

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