Social Question

Would you volunteer to be a Matrix type human battery?
In the movie The Matrix, in the real world humans were bred and harnessed as energy sources. Human batteries.
Their bodies grow from infancy to maturity soaked in life sustaining fluids inside millions of pods.
They are asleep but one can say they are endlessly dreaming, brains active and living lifetimes like us real human beings.
In the pod they are totally oblivious to the “world of the real.” ( Yup. Morpheus. )
In the movie, a character who got taken out of the pod betrayed his friends in exchange for being brought back and plugged in into the pod to become a battery again but this time, he had a say on what kind of life he would be living in inside his dream/Matrix.
Naturally he picked one where he could be the happiest. He wanted to be a successful actor.
So the question is, what if for real we can volunteer our bodies to be plugged in into the Matrix and live happy lives of our own choosing, do you see yourself doing so?
Would this help control over-population problems and give us another major source of energy?
Just to remind, this is voluntary.