Social Question

rojo's avatar

Do you think that Donald Trump will have a Republican challenger in 2020?

Asked by rojo (24187points) December 28th, 2018

I realize that it is still some time off but the Dems seem to have their bowels in an uproar trying to figure out who would be the best they have to challenge him for the job. But I am taken to understand that many Republican mainstreamers are unhappy with him and his ways.
So, will he face a challenge from the party he chose?

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15 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

To expand, fielding a candidate against the Orangutan would be an admission, that they were wrong to field the Orange Hitler in the first place.
And if there is one thing that republicans will not do, is admit that they were wrong.
So they will double down on the catastrophe they have wrought upon the world.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I’m guessing we’ll see just that in the form of a strong libertarian or independent that will attract significant numbers from the right who are not so pro Trump.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It would be unimaginable that Trump might go unchallenged by the “sane” wing of his party. I’m more interested in just how many conservatives have been pushed into the “anyone but Don” corral.

filmfann's avatar

John Kasich has indicated his intention to run.

Demosthenes's avatar

Well, Trump did imply that he would’ve challenged the Republican nominee if it hadn’t been him, so if he does have a Republican challenger in 2020 (possibly Kasich), that’ll be just deserts.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I don’t know are the Russians going to run one?

flutherother's avatar

President Xi of China may sponsor a candidate next time as a counter to Russian influence in the US government.

Stache's avatar

Trump won’t make it to the election.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Yes, of course they will.

mazingerz88's avatar

No. The only person with guts to challenge the asshat is a Democrat. I can hardly blame any potential Republican challenger. Why would he or she want to lead deplorable trump zombies?

JLeslie's avatar

I think 50/50 chance. I actually though Cruz might do it.

@filmfann I thought Kasich might run as an Independent. Bloomberg is talking about running as a Democrat. That’s an interesting group of three there.

rojo's avatar

@flutherother do you think the Chinese will run a candidate against the Russian one?

flutherother's avatar

I hope so, having just one candidate is bad for democracy ~~

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