General Question

rockfan's avatar

Why do clothing manufacturers cater to morbidly obese men but not short men?

Asked by rockfan (14632points) December 29th, 2018 from iPhone

You’d think there would be a big market to sell clothes to guys under 5’8’.

I’m 5’4’’ and I usually feel like pulling my hair out while shopping for clothes.

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8 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Maybe because their are more morbidly obese men than short. I am 6’5”, and I also find it hard to find clothes that fit. You might have a business opportunity by selling clothes to short men.

ragingloli's avatar

There are more land whales than dwarves, and they can charge for more material per whale than per dwarf.

Zissou's avatar

Can’t you find most of what you need in the boys’ section?

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Obesity’s on the rise – a healthcare epidemic – but the population doesn’t grow shorter with each new generation.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

More than half of men are obese in america so…

notnotnotnot's avatar

It’s about demand, as others have pointed out. I am average size, but my head is absurdly-big. I need to order my hats on There may be some online retailers that you might find better-fitting clothes. Here is article on the topic of clothing for shorter men, and it mentions a few retailers that have expanded their offerings for men shorter than 5’8”.

JLeslie's avatar

They buy boys clothing a lot of the time if they are small enough.

It does’t work as well for women to buy girls or juniors, so women have a petite department. A woman’s shape changes more than a man’s in general. Plus, women are more slaves to fashion.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I have always had a hard time finding pants and shirts that were long enough. If they were long enough they were way too big, which I never really understood. Fat people don’t have longer legs than slender people.

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