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mazingerz88's avatar

Which movie scene has the best and most memorable conversation in it?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) December 29th, 2018 from iPhone

It’s doesn’t matter the genre.

And citing scenes with a great conversation in them from each genre would be nice.

Also would be great if you explain what makes that conversation unforgettable for you.

If the conversation took place not just in one scene but a sequence that’s ok.

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19 Answers

rockfan's avatar

The cuckoo clock speech in The Third Man by Orson Welles and Joseph Cotton’s response to it. Brilliant writing and acting. But I don’t want to spoil it in case some people here haven’t seen it. It’s a very underrated film

rockfan's avatar

Also, I adore the scene in Toy Story 2 when the Prospector is explaining to Woody why he should go to a toy museum and not stay with Andy, because he’s growing up and won’t take him to college. It’s an emotionally complex scene for an animated film. Later in the movie Woody says a line that makes me tear up every time.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Awesome. I would sure make note of that scene when I revisit TS2.

When I first saw TS3, I knew it would get the Oscar for Best Animation. The film was perfect.

I started watching The Third Man but wasn’t able to finish. Will try again. Thanks!

notnotnotnot's avatar

Does monologue count? If so, Synecdoche, New York has a couple, including…

“What was once before you an exciting mysterious future is now behind you. Lived, understood, disapointing. You realize you are not special. You have struggled into existence and are now silently slipping out of it. This is everyone’s experience. Every single one. The specifics hardly matter. Everyone is everyone. So you are Adele, Hazel, Claire, Olive. You are Ellen. All her meager sadnesses are yours. All her loneliness. The gray straw like hair. Her red raw hands. It’s yours. It is time for you to understand this…

Walk. As the people who adored you stop adoring you. As they die. As they move on. As you shed them. As you she your beauty, your youth. As the world forgets you. As you recognize your transience. As you begin to lose your characteristics one by one. As you learn there is no one was watching and there never was. You think only about driving. Not coming from any place. Not arriving any place. Just driving. Count your time. Now you are here at 7:43. Now you are here at 7:44. Now you are.. gone.”

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Ah, Kaufmann. What can I say. : )

Which reminds me. His animated film has several scenes, not just one, that were unforgettable to me.

filmfann's avatar

Pulp Fiction. Say what again!

seawulf575's avatar

The Princess Bride has a lot of one-liners in it that a lot of people know.

ragingloli's avatar

Star Trek 2 The Wrath of Khan.

Specifically the Ambush scene.

[Enterprise bridge]

KIRK: Try the emergency channels. ...Picture, Mister Saavik.

[Reliant bridge]

KHAN: Slow to one-half impulse power. Let’s be friends.
HELMSMAN: Slowing to one-half impulse power.

[Enterprise bridge]

SULU: Reliant in our section, this Quadrant, sir, and slowing.
SAAVIK: Sir, may I quote General Order Twelve, ‘On the approach of any vessel, when communications have not been established…
SPOCK: Lieutenant, the Admiral is well aware of the Regulations.
SAAVIK: Aye sir.
KIRK (OC): Is it possible that their Comm system has failed?
SPOCK (OC): It would explain a great many things.

[Reliant bridge]

JOACHIM: They’re requesting communications, sir.
KHAN: Let them eat static!
JOACHIM (OC): They’re still running with shields down.
KHAN: Of course. We’re one big happy fleet. Ah, Kirk, my old friend, do you know the Klingon proverb that tells us ‘Revenge is a dish that is best served cold?’ It is very cold…in space.

[Enterprise bridge]

KIRK: This is damned peculiar. ...Yellow Alert.
SAAVIK: Energise defence fields.
UHURA: I’m getting a voice message. They say their Chambers coil is overloading their Comm system.
KIRK: Spock?
SPOCK: Scanning. Their coil emissions are normal.

[Reliant bridge]

JOACHIM: They still haven’t raised their shields.
KHAN: Raise ours.

[Enterprise bridge]

SPOCK: Their shields are going up!

[Reliant bridge]

KHAN: Lock phasers on target.
JOACHIM: Locking phasers on target.

[Enterprise bridge]

SPOCK: They’re locking phasers!
KIRK: Raise shields!

[Reliant bridge]

KHAN: Fire!

(explosions rips through the Enterprise)

[Enterprise bridge]

KIRK: Sulu! Get Those shields up.
SULU: Trying, sir!
(scenes of chaos in engineering)
SULU: I can’t get power, sir!
KIRK: Scotty! Uhura, turn off those damn channels!
UHURA: Mister Scott on the screen, sir.

[Enterprise engineering]

SCOTT: We’re just hanging on, sir. The main energisers out.
KIRK (on intercom): Try auxiliary power.
SCOTT: Aye sir.

[Enterprise bridge]

KIRK: Damage report.
SPOCK: They knew exactly where to hit us.
KIRK: Who? Who knew just where to hit us? And why?
SPOCK: One thing is certain, we cannot escape on auxiliary power.
KIRK: Visual! ...Sulu, divert all power to phasers.
SPOCK (OC): Too late.
KIRK: Hang on!
(the Enterprise bridge is hit as the Reliant circles)
KIRK: Scotty, ...what’s left?
SCOTT (on intercom): Just the batteries, sir. I can have auxiliary power in a few minutes.
KIRK: We don’t have a few minutes. ...Can you give me phaser power?
SCOTT (on intercom): A few shots, sir.
SPOCK: Not enough against their shields.
KIRK: Who the hell are they?
UHURA: Admiral! The commander Reliant is signalling. He wishes to discuss terms of our surrender.
KIRK: Visual on screen.
UHURA (OC): Admiral?
KIRK: Do it, while we have time.
UHURA (OC): On screen, sir.
KIRK: Khan!
KHAN (on viewscreen): You still remember, Admiral. I, of cannot help but be touched. Of course, I remember you.
KIRK: What is the meaning of this attack? Where is the crew of the Reliant?
KHAN (on viewscreen): Surely I have made my meaning plain. I mean to avenge myself upon you, Admiral. I’ve deprived your ship of power and when I swing round I mean to deprive you of your life. But I wanted you to know first who it was who had beaten you.
KIRK: Khan, ...if its me you want, I’ll have myself beamed aboard. Spare my crew!
KHAN (on viewscreen): I make you a counter-proposal, I will agree to your terms, ...if, ...if in addition to yourself, you hand over to me all data and material regarding the project called…Genesis.
KIRK: Genesis, what’s that?
KHAN (on viewscreen): Don’t insult my intelligence, Kirk.
KIRK: Give me some time to recall the data on our computers.
KHAN (on viewscreen): I give you sixty seconds, Admiral.
KIRK: Clear the bridge.
SPOCK: At least we know he doesn’t have Genesis.
KIRK: Keep nodding as though I’m still giving orders. Mister Saavik, punch up the data charts of Reliant’s command console.
SAAVIK: Reliant’s command…
KIRK: Hurry!
COUNTDOWN VOICE: Forty-five seconds.
SPOCK: The prefix code?
KIRK: It’s all we’ve got.
SAAVIK: The chart’s up, sir.
KHAN (on viewscreen): Admiral!
KIRK: We’re finding it.
KHAN (on viewscreen): Admiral!
KIRK: Please, please… give us time, ...the bridge is smashed, computers inoperative.
KHAN: Time is a luxury you don’t have, Admiral.
KIRK: Damn!
KHAN (on viewscreen): Admiral!
KIRK: It’s coming through now, Khan.
SPOCK: Reliant’s prefix number is one six three zero nine.
SAAVIK: I don’t understand.
KIRK: You have to learn why things work on a starship.
SPOCK: Each ship has its combination code.
KIRK: To prevent an enemy do what we’re attempting. Using our console to order Reliant to lower her shields.
SPOCK: Assuming he hasn’t changed the combination. He’s quite intelligent.
COUNTDOWN VOICE: Fifteen seconds.
KIRK: Khan, how do I know you’ll keep your word?
KHAN (on viewscreen): Oh, I’ve given you no word to keep, Admiral. In my judgment, you simply have no alternative.
KIRK: I see your point. Stand by to receive our transmission. ...Mister Sulu, lock phasers on target and await my command.
SULU: Phasers locked.
KHAN (on viewscreen): Time’s up, Admiral.
KIRK: Here it comes. Now, Mister Spock.

[Reliant bridge]

JOACHIM: Sir! Our shields are dropping!
KHAN: Raise them.
JOACHIM: I can’t!
KHAN: Where’s the over-ride? The over-ride?

[Enterprise bridge]

KIRK: Fire! ...Fire!

[Reliant bridge]

KHAN: Fire! Fire!
JOACHIM: We can’t fire, sir!
KHAN: Why can’t you?
JOACHIM: They’ve damaged the photon-control and the warp drive. We must withdraw.
KHAN: No! No!
JOACHIM: Sir, we must! ...The Enterprise can wait. She’s not going anywhere.

[Enterprise bridge]

SULU: Sir, you did it.
KIRK: I did nothing…except get caught with my britches down. I must be senile. Mister Saavik, you go right on quoting regulations! In the meantime, let’s find out how badly we’ve been hurt.
(Scotty stands in the turbolift doors holding the body of Midshipman Preston)

flutherother's avatar

“Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! This is the war room!” – Dr Strangelove.

josie's avatar


When Doc Holliday and Johnny Ringo pick a fight in Latin

mazingerz88's avatar

^^ Ok I need to pop in my Wrath of Khan blu-ray now!
( I can hear the musical score in those scenes )

Re Tombstone…”Will you be my huckleberry?”
“Alright lunger, let’s do it.”

There was also this surprise I know Latin too asshat —— in Braveheart —— during his conversation with the Queen and her adviser of sorts.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^The good conversations for me in The Princess Bride were that poisoned cup game and the exchanges between Fezzik and his boss whenever he comes up with a rhyme.

But the best one really was between Wesley and Inigo Montoya when they first met and fought. Full of verbal panache that scene and cool sword play!

They don’t make em like they used to. Sad.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Well can one line count? From Wargames: “I’d piss on a spark plug if I thought it’d help!”

mazingerz88's avatar


We’re looking more for conversations but hey, it’s obviously memorable so…cool!

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Ugh. I just wanted y’all to know I’m here. When I get back to this I’m on my phone! I need my desk top to find conversations.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^I’m sure those great dramatic films have them.

mazingerz88's avatar

The Breakfast Club. Great talks!

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