Could there be a chance Trump might ask MBS and Putin to pay for his wall?
Asked by
mazingerz88 (
December 30th, 2018
from iPhone
It seems the more he feels boxed in by Mueller the more he will lash out and vent by making sudden and rash decisions.
He had been trying to keep his relationships with MBS and Putin in solid ground so do you think he’ll ask them for wall money and if he did would his friends accomodate the request?
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19 Answers
Well, first of all, there would have to be an actual relationship of some kind between Putin and Trump. So far, all Mueller has is a Porn Star and the publisher of the National Inquirer. Trump’s relation with Putin is no different than that of his relationship with any other national leader.
The wall is one thing the Democrats can’t let Trump have because they want him to be forced to reneg on one of his core campaign promises. Kinda like Bush promising no new taxes.
Obama got an $800 Billion stimulus and nothing to show for it. Trump is only asking less than five billion—maybe less than three billion. But this is the one thing the democrats will hold out on, even it means no border wall, barraging caravans, and clashes at the border to the decimation of the country. The Democrats would love to see this occur on Trump’s watch, so, no border wall. Even if funding was available, there would be Antifa violence,, violence from Central America, and legal obstruction from the left.
Sure. He asked Mexico. They said No.
Now he’s asking America. We say No.
Russia is the next logical stop.
Then North Korea.
For some strange reason this is his hill.
Actually, a small number of well-placed democrats say no.
The American people demand border security. Trump’s failure to provide this,, the left thinks, will decimate his support.
At the beginning of the Obama administration, many supported the wall who are now obstructing.
He has better luck getting a go fund me account.
Obama did not ever suggest or support the idea of a wall! It is a really stupid idea.
No, he won’t ask them for money. He only asks them for money for his hotels. Trump owes the Russians and Saudis hundreds of millions.
And his plan is to do business with them after he’s impeached. Sad but he wins. Love of money and the successful practice of vanity is his specialty.
Not if he’s in prison @mazingerz88. I think maybe even his money is no match for the might of the United States of America.
The only reason Putin would even think of helping out would be to keep Trump in power. But Putin is done with him now. Trump is a sinking ship and Putin is one of the rats.
Trump didn’t get the Christmas present he wanted and so he has gone into a petulant sulk in the White House. Santa might have brought his toy fence had his behaviour over the past year been better but he has been acting like a spoiled child. It isn’t just the $5 billion cost but the principle of the thing. He can scowl and threaten and stamp his foot as much as he likes it isn’t going to happen.
@ragingloli thanks, I got it translated in Google. My thoughts exactly.
Obama got an $800 billion stimulus and there is absolutely nothing to show for it,
Trump asked for $5 billion for much needed border security.
The obstructionists are the petulant, babyish ones. But it is the Trump chose to die on.
trump should stop demonizing undocumenteds. Then maybe he deserves to get a buck for his wall.
Hey, that 800 billion stimulus probably is the only reason why your country still has an economy.
You would not like what is happening at the border. Someone is sending these continuing masses to create chaos at the border on Trump’s watch, while denying the wall (Trump;s key campaign promise).
Our troops and border patrol are continually under attack and cannot fight back. To you, there is delight in thwarting anything Trump wants. But the situation is dire.
The situation is indeed dire. This country is in dire need of proper leadership.
Wall was to paid for by Mexico ! ! @Yellowdog
Campaign LIE!
Can’t fight back or there is no one to fight (waiting for 5 and 6 year olds to shoot with 50 caliber) @Yellowdog
Trrump wants more fourteen year olds ! ! !
Maybe he should call Putin on his open mobile phone line.
There is nothing happening at the border that is unusual @Yellowdog.
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