Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Can someone tell me exactly what Hillary has done to be given such a bad reputation?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) December 31st, 2018

Not just gossip, but facts, please, with proof. No conjecture or opinions without them.

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20 Answers

rebbel's avatar

She got pneumonia.

notnotnotnot's avatar

Ugh. While the right hated her for likely absurd reasons, the left has despised her (and Bill) for very good reasons since the 90s. She is associated with Bill, like it or not. And she both plays that up and plays it down when needed. The Clinton presidency brought in the “New Democrats”, which turned away from the working class, and set their goals on winning over and representing the well-educated class. This meant killing welfare programs, deregulating banks, increasing the prison population, fast-tracking NAFTA, etc.

But for Hilary, I’ll try to summarize a few issues why she has been the enemy of the left for so long: she supported the invasion of Iraq, supports the death penalty, opposed reinstating Glass Steagal, supported every “free trade” agreement, sold fracking globally, supported the Patriot Act, supported DOMA and DADT, supported US militarism and imperialism, considered, is very opportunistic and only changes her position when forced to by overwhelming public support (never leads), bragged about admiring and taking advice from Henry Kissinger, really bad on Palestine, was on the board of Walmart, cynically weaponized faux feminism in order to destroy opponents (like Obama, Sanders), was against free public college, declared that single-payer healthcare will “never, ever” happen, lied repeatedly about opponents positions (and sent Chelsea out to do some more lying), supported private, was very friendly with Wall Street, repeatedly made $200m+ speeches to Wall Street (even when she knew she would be running), took part in red-baiting (Nicaragua, Cuba, etc) during debates, essentially ran the DNC, campaign pushed the “pied piper” strategy in order to prop up Trump, secretly took advance question from Donna Brazile during a debate, etc….

I’m sure I’m missing a bunch of things. But this might give you an idea of why she is so loathed.

tinyfaery's avatar

What @notnotnotnot said. I’m one of those on the “left” that absolutely loathe her.

Brian1946's avatar


”...supported private…”

Did you mean, ”...private prisons….”?

Dutchess_III's avatar

She meant parts. Private parts.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Everything the not says is right on the money. But I don’t despise her, and I’m very much to her left.

notnotnotnot's avatar

@Brian1946: “Did you mean, ”...private prisons….”?”

I just went back and read my incoherent comment, and I have no idea what I meant to say there. I actually think she came out against private prisons in 2016 .

stanleybmanly's avatar

The thing to understand about Hillary is that despite that list from not, she is the ideal for the Democratic Party in its actual goals. She is tough as a nail, smart as hell, and thoroughly understands the workings of our government and the world overall. Moreover, unlike Obama, I believe Hillary would have wiped the floor with the Republican Congress when it comes to their current alley fighting techniques. That said, my beef isn’t with Hillary, but the Democratic Party, and what it perceives as the necessity to sell out what should be its natural constituency-the working and middle classes. The Republicans are rather blatant in openly pushing an agenda pandering to the rich. They have a HUGE advantage in that their non rich adherents are too stupid or ignorant to appreciate the reality. The Democrats, on the other hand are more insidious, since they discovered a couple of decades ago that their counterparts were sucking up ALL that money from their fat cat masters. Understandably panicked, they rushed to play ball, and all but announced that “we can be bought off too”. The Clintons were right there for the revolution and are now preposterously wealthy. There’s only one problem with the “go easy on the rich” approach—it forces the burden of supporting the necessities justifying the party’s existence—the social programs—to be transferred from those with the money directly onto the backs of those in the middle, with a hefty assist from an accumulating debt. And as I said before, I don’t trust my dislike of the Clintons. Thirty years of incessant unremitting badmouthing from the right has almost certainly warped my perception. The Republicans were correct in their smear investment. Either Clinton was better at the game of politics than anything on the Republican horizon.

flutherother's avatar

Hillary’s reputation is not so bad. What makes it seem bad is the Trump generated hysteria about locking her up which was intended to divert attention from Trump’s shady dealings.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Didn’t Michael Moore say in the documentary Sicko that she took hundreds of thousands of donations from a pro-tobacco lobbyist?

Dutchess_III's avatar

People say a lot of things. The question is, is it true?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Dutchess_III I don’t know how to fact check it. Might be public knowledge somewhere.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Snopes is a good place to start. I’ll see what they have to say…... There is nothing there. I took a quick look online and didn’t really see anything. And I’m almost done here on my desk top for the day. I’ll look again tomorrow and see what I can find.

seawulf575's avatar

She has shown herself to be of questionable character to me. She had questionable behavior during the Watergate investigation. She was involved in a number of sketchy things in Arkansas including Whitewater. She protected Bill when she knew he was a sexual predator. When she decided to run for the Senate, she moved to NY because she knew she’d never get elected in her previous home state of Arkansas where Bill had been governor. Her accomplishments as a Senator and as Sect of State amount to nothing. She assisted in the misinformation of Benghazi. She managed to go from dead broke (according to her) to having $100M in just a few years. That is an amazing accomplishment if it was done legally which seems unlikely to me. I don’t like that she is protected from thorough investigation regardless of what she does and certainly won’t face any punishments. I disagree with her politics all the way down the line and apparently she disagrees with her own politics depending on who she is talking to.
Some of this is proven and some of it is my personal feelings. But there is so much stink associated with her that I know some if not most is true.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Well shit. I agree with @notnotnotnot
I also agree with @seawulf575

I think my brain just popped a little bit.

Personally, she is what I dislike the most about the democratic party. They promise to be on the “right side of history” but it’s just the same bullshit going on in the background as it always has. If the status quo stinks they’ll polish that turd right up and then serve it to you on fine china. The right hands it to you as is on a paper plate.

flutherother's avatar

@seawulf575 Your allegations against Hillary seem to boil down to her standing by her husband when he was caught out in a sex scandal, being wealthy and being above the law.

Some might disagree with Hillary’s response to the shame her husband brought down on her but as his wife her decision was a personal one and hers alone to make and we should leave it at that.

Her money has come from her very successful literary endeavours and from public speaking engagements and it is simply mudslinging to suggest illegality without any basis.

As for being above the law, no one is above the law, even the president. Hillary was thoroughly investigated over her part in the Whitewater scandal and the email server issue and nothing criminal was ever found.

I’m not a big fan of Hillary to be honest but I do like to see people being treated fairly.

seawulf575's avatar

@flutherother I’m not down on her for standing by Bill. I’m down on her for taking action to ruin the lives of the women Bill attacked and voiced a complaint about it. I could understand if she and Bill decided to work through their marital differences…I would wish them good luck. But for her to screw with people that came out saying Bill attacked them? And then try to say that she is for women? That just goes way over the line. And when it comes to not facing the music, why is it that Bill has never had to answer for attacking Kathleen Willey or Anita Broadrick? Christine Ford came out with an unfounded accusation against Kavanaugh and the left wanted a special prosecutor appointed. Yet you have accusations of sexual assault and rape against Bill and it is crickets. The left went crazy calling Trump a pedophile for riding on Jeffry Epstein’s plane one time and yet Bill took many flights on that plane and even “vacationed” on his private island and there is again crickets. So no, Hillary is not blameless in the assault on Bill’s accusers and she is hypocritical every time she brings sexism into any discussion.

LogicHead's avatar

Hatred of Catholics, The slaughter of Benghazi, the illegal money funneled through her foundation, and to me the worst: Her excusing of her rapist husband every time he was caught.

Dutchess_III's avatar

She doesn’t hate Catholics and she had nothing to do with Benghazi.
What proof do you have to back all of this up?
And why aren’t you insulting Melania Trump because she puts up with orange asses affairs?

Maybe Hillary just didn’t really care.

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