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rojo's avatar

Has the Trump Administration entered the fifth stage of the climate denial or are they still in Stage 4?

Asked by rojo (24187points) January 1st, 2019

The five stages, as postulated by Mike Brown are as follows:

Stage 1: Deny the Problem Exists
Stage 2: Deny We’re the Cause
Stage 3: Deny It’s a Problem
Stage 4: Deny We can Solve It
Stage 5: It’s too Late

Here is the original article from 2013

This year, based in part on the Administrations reliance on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement conclusion that the Earth is going to be almost 7 degrees F. warmer anyway we should not bother demanding that fuel efficiency in vehicles increase (among other fallacious reasoning) Mike has declared that we have officially entered Stage 5

Personally, I believe they are still in Stage 4 but what are your thoughts?

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4 Answers

Zaku's avatar

I’ve seen nothing to indicate that the Trump Administration has progressed beyond Stage 1.

In fact, I’d say they’re at Stage NEGATIVE ONE:

Stage -1: Insist it’s a political conspiracy.
Stage 0: Insist it’s a hoax.

flutherother's avatar

It will go something like this…

1. Deny the problem exists
2. Sea water begins seeping under the doors at Mar-a-Lago
3. President requests more $billions for a wall, a sea wall this time.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I think he’s still in Stage 1. As long as he doesn’t get past Stage1, 2–5 just don’t exist!!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

OMG @flutherother! That was tooooo funny!

We re-watched Independence Day the other day.
I said to Rick, “Can you imagine trump trying to field something like this?”
He said, “He’d just build a wall.”

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