Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Have you ever watched someone else do something and realized it was a better way than your way?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) January 1st, 2019

The first thing that came to mind was when I moved to this town. I moved in to the bottom floor of a big, old rambling 3 story house (4 if you count the attic.) I brought my washer with me and installed it in the basement.
My landlord was an asshole, and he told the tenants that he bought it and it was for the whole house to use! I sure didn’t mind letting everyone use it, but I made damn sure they knew it was mine!
Anyway, one of the college football players, from the 3rd floor, was starting his laundry, and my son, who was about 10 at the time, and I happened to be downstairs. We idly watched as Ike poured the detergent in first, before he put the clothes in.
My son said, “That’s not how you do it! You put the clothes in first and put the detergent in on top!”
I put out my hand and said, “Wait a second son….you know. I think Ike has a better way. Think about it. The detergent gets evenly dissolved this way. Yes, I think it’s a better way.”
I just did it the other way because that’s how they showed it on commercials. :/

Later Rick came into my life. We were peeling potatoes for the first time. He was using the peeler like a knife, pulling it toward himself so it came off in long strips. I was taught to peel away from myself at the speed of light!!! (My mom always did everything at TOP SPEED!!!!!!!!) I thought his way was inefficient because you might as well use a knife. What’s the point of even having a peeler?
Then it dawned on me….the peeler controls the thickness of the skin, unlike a paring knife. And though it is slower, it’s actually just as fast because you’re peeling off more skin with each peel. Also, you don’t have skin bits flying all over the kitchen! I came to the conclusion that his way was better. Don’t tell him I said that!
And don’t flip out on that comment. It was a joke.

Do you have any stories like this? Or is your way always the best way?

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11 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

For example, using an adjustment layer with different blending modes, instead of a duplicate of underlying layer. It is both more flexible and consumes less memory.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^ I knew that.

raum's avatar

@ragingloli For Photoshop? Could you explain a little bit more about how it’s more flexible?

ragingloli's avatar

Well, for example, if you use a hue/saturation layer with a soft light blending mode, you can quickly adjust hue/saturation/brightness of different colour ranges, which changes the outcome of the blend.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Absolutely. That’s the human experience. Some are too proud to admit it, but most of us learn from others.

Dutchess_III's avatar

All of us learn from others. We learn everything we know from others.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Not so true. Egyptians never taught the Mayans to build pyramids. Lots of technology, and ways of doing things just popped up. While much of that knowledge was indeed passed down, it had to start somewhere…

Dutchess_III's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I don’t know that there is any such thing as an original idea. People may come up with a new way, or, but it’s built on things they learned before.

MrGrimm888's avatar

That’s ridiculous. History is full of original ideas.

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