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mazingerz88's avatar

How important is it to you the place where you will be laid to rest?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29284points) January 4th, 2019 from iPhone

Burial or cremation? And if cremation would you prefer a loved one keep your ashes in an urn to be kept at home or if scattered, where would it be?

I prefer cremation and my ashes scattered, believe it or not, on the tracks of a metro station. Although I still may change my mind about the location.

I’m also fine if a loved one wants to keep my urn in their home, preferably along with the books, diaries and collectible statues I would hand down.

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24 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

They can publically and sexually defile my corpse, for all I care.

canidmajor's avatar

No embalming and burial, no wasting space like that. If any bits of me are useful, I hope they are used, otherwise make sure I don’t take up unnecessary space or resources.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Reminds me of the Dalai Lama’s end.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ve already opted for cremation, but what ever my kids want to do after that is up to them.

canidmajor's avatar

@mazingerz88, yeah, me and him…two peas! :-D

kritiper's avatar

Fairly important. It’s the headstone that really counts for me. A modest obelisk.
I will be cremated and buried in a quiet little cemetery not for from the Snake River here in Idaho.
When my great grandfather died in 1917, 4 plots were bought but only 1 was used. One of those has been reserved for me.
May the sun always shine warm upon this spot.

kritiper's avatar

My great grandfather; Remember him? He was the one that died in the outhouse.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well that’s the shits @kritiper!

josie's avatar

I would just like to be someplace identifiable by my survivors.
I have had a couple of moments when I worried that nobody would know where I was. That sort of bothered me I must confess.

cookieman's avatar

I am an organ donor, so that first. Then I’m already down to be cremated, so that next. After that, I’m happy to be released into the wind.

Or added to a smoothie. Whichever works.

ragingloli's avatar

Can I eat your doughey liver?

janbb's avatar

No concern. We are all so scattered already; i can’t imagine my resting place will matter to anyone.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Just put me in a ;large jar in the closet, and bring me out on the holidays.

LadyMarissa's avatar

When my parents psssed, they were buried locally. To my knowledge, I am the ONLY family member who ever goes to visit them or add flowers to the grave site.

My husband had made it clear to me that when his time came that he wanted to be cremated. He had just moved from the West coast to the East coast, so he never specified what to do with his ashes. When he passed, I had him cremated as he requested. Then I began trying to determine the best place to scatter his ashes. During the height of my grief, I determined that I just could NOT throw him away. So, I still have him in his urn sitting on my desk. I catch myself talking to him when I need to feel somebody is listening. YES, I know he’s NOT listening; but he had listened so well when he was alive, that it gives me comfort to share my problems with him. Once I’m dead & gone, nobody will want his ashes; so, I have made arrangements to be cremated & have requested that my ashes be mixed with his & that both of our remains be scattered together wherever it pleases the person doing the scattering. Once I’m gone & no longer have any use for my body, it gives me some peace that our ashes will be together for eternity!!! There’s nobody who wants to keep my ashes & even fewer who wants his, so together forever works for me!!!

AshLeigh's avatar

I want to be buried with one hand sticking out of the ground.

cookieman's avatar

@ragingloli: Sure. Have at it.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I want to be somewhere that I can walk out in case I am still immortal. I want to be given every chance to wake up. No pulling the plug on me unless I am in pain.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Perhaps I can be requested to be interred in the wall in our house…..

Darth_Algar's avatar

I’d prefer a sky burial, but that’s probably not legal anywhere at this point. So just incinerate me and do what the fuck ever with my ashes.

Kardamom's avatar

Zero interest. I want no fuss, no muss. Either dumped in a landfill, or buried and turned into a tree, or be made part of a reef.

seawulf575's avatar

I don’t care. If they want to bury, burn, dissolve, harvest, or blow me up when I die, it doesn’t matter. I have told my family to cremate me because it is the cheapest. I don’t care what they do with the ashes. I have requested they have a party and celebrate life.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Apparently sky burials are still legally preformed in Tibet and Mongolia. Hmmm….

Inspired_2write's avatar

Not important once one is dead.
Your body is just a holding place on Earth for your Soul/Spirit.
Once the Soul is released from its confines it is free to wander to another dimension or for some the collective consciousness.
I have opted for becoming an organ donor in order that life can continue on for others in need.
I prefer cremation for whats not usable.
Just look at Historical cemeteries that have deteriorated and that is how they will look in the future as well,worn out and forgotten.
Best to leave a legacy of organs and a written Family History for your descendants instead.

And let them remember you in pictures and your stories than a dilapidated tomb .

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