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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Can Trump pay for the border wall himself?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25057points) January 4th, 2019

If it is so important? Maybe he can get a group of billionaires together to fund the wall? They can sell naming rights for the border wall.

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14 Answers

kritiper's avatar

No. But if enough people/Republicans got the funds together themselves, I think they could do it.
Naming rights would not be a good idea. The wall will be ugly enough without advertising strewn across it from end to end.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Mexico will pay for it…

Darth_Algar's avatar

Whatever the cost is projected to be count on it being several times over that. A good case-in-point is the new lock & dam at Olmsted, Illinois. Originally projected at cost $775 million the cost to date has now rose to over $3 billion.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Don’t worry the “shell companies” set up by Trump will make him RICH !

Zaku's avatar

I don’t think Trump even actually wants a border wall himself. Him saying he does is just a political stunt to pander to all the xenophobes in the USA.

In any case, he certainly wouldn’t pay for it himself, as mainly he cares about his own wealth and status, and paying for it himself would greatly reduce both of those things.

seawulf575's avatar

@Darth_Algar That is a true statement. It calls to the fiscal irresponsibility of our elected leaders. If you hired someone to put a roof on your house and they quoted you $10,000 and then tried handing you a bill for $50,000 when they were done, you’d probably not pay. Our elected leaders and the bureaucracies they have built don’t question…they just pay. And every contractor knows it.

LostInParadise's avatar

There is also the cost of maintaining the wall, in perpetuity.

seawulf575's avatar

I still say it would be cheaper and ultimately more effective to dig a moat…about 15’ deep and at least 10’ wide. Pile the dirt on the US side and line it with razor wire. That would be more of a deterrent than a fence or wall. It would also make tunnels have to go pretty deep if someone wanted to tunnel under.

chyna's avatar

I agree with @zaku. I don’t think Trump wants a wall, could care less about a wall, but just wants to play games and see how far he can push America. Remember when he was running for president he said he could shoot someone and get away with it? Same thing.

LadyMarissa's avatar

A Go Fund Me account has been set up to fund it. The last I heard, they had maybe ½ million donated.

The wall is simply a distraction!!!

Darth_Algar's avatar

That GoFundMe is a con and anyone who donates to it is gullible.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Well, they’re all Trump supporters. Duh….

Inspired_2write's avatar

I don’t think that is Trumps real intention. As long as he has something to make him feel that he can do anything and thus seen as a very powerful person , he will use this distraction to divert the general public and or media coverage off of topics that he avoids scrutiny.
His campaign promise to build that wall is driving his motivation to look like a credible President.
Its his ego he guards only.

MrGrimm888's avatar

IMO, Trump has long ago made a deal with a construction company that will give him kick backs to get the monumental contract to build the stupid wall. That is his ONLY reason for clinging to it…..

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