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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

How long do you think that President Trump will serve in jail if found guilty?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25059points) January 5th, 2019

My guess is less than two years and a slap on the wrist . Then he will go back to Trump tower or retire. What do you think? Humor welcome. Also what could he be charged with? Like lying or obstruction of justice or whatever.

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11 Answers

LadyMarissa's avatar

I don’t think that he’ll ever see the inside of a jail cell. He’ll be allowed to go on with his life with our taxes paying to protect him from the crazies!!!

stanleybmanly's avatar

He will almost certainly be pardoned after being publicly disgraced. He should do a symbolic week in a grey rock Federal prison or border detainment center, symbolically ending his career in as unique a fashion as he served as President.

MrGrimm888's avatar

If he is found guilty of hiding his father’s inheritance from the IRS, he will serve the rest of his life. I can’t wait!

Kardamom's avatar

Probably not much.. I think it would be good if he could spend a year in the defunct Alcatraz, by himself, though.

Today, no one (in a high position) gets much time. Martha Stewart got more time for insider trading than Trump will probably ever see for treason, and obstruction of justice, and for causing irreparable trauma to the United States. This trend need to change.

I would like to see him in prison for at least 40 years. In that time, he should be on a chain gang picking up litter, and made to do all sorts of community projects. The dude has no clue how most Americans live. He needs to be made to see that. Even if he were made to see it, I really don’t think it would change his tiny, feeble, selfish mind. He’s a mean pervert and reject.But, he should still be made to see how real people live, and suffer and die.

He should be made, like Jacob Marley, to travel far and wide, and to never be able to linger, and to be made to see the folly of his ways. Although, I truly believe that he is too stupid and too mean to see his own mistakes and unkindness. He is Ebenezer Scrooge in a bad wig, with a bad spray tan, and unable to see the error and unkindness of his ways. At least Scrooge was able to find redemption. Trump will never find redemption. He doesn’t give two shits.

flutherother's avatar

1. Illegal business practices involving Trump University, Trump Wealth Institute and the Trump Entrepreneur Initiative. $25 million paid in restitution.
2. Illegal conduct with regard to the Trump Foundation. $2.8 million in restitution and penalties.
3. Colluding with a foreign power prior to presidential elections. Death by public execution.
4. Shutting down the government of the United States “possibly for years”. Hung drawn and quartered in front of Capitol Hill.
5. Impersonating the President of the United States of America. 50 years minimum.

Inspired_2write's avatar

He IS in a jail..of his own making.
He is in a jail of emotional immaturity unrestrained.
That’s why he acts much like an adolescent.
Somewhere in his past he stopped growing emotionally.
He lives in a different mind set and thus refuses to grow up.

Zaku's avatar

I quite love the previous two answers.

Akame009's avatar

In any case, If he were to go to jail he could just pardon himself. When the Constitution was written the founding fathers trusted George Washington so much that they said he could pardon anyone and never said anything about him pardoning himself. Therefore, not matter what Trump does while he is president, he will always be a free man. His crimes would simply be erased.

LadyMarissa's avatar

IF they wait until he’s out of office, he wouldn’t have any authority to pardon himself. Even then, I don’t think he’ll ever see the inside of a jail cell!!!

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Akame009 . If Trump.goes down for tax issues in NY, he won’t be able to pardon himself.

That’s the outcome I’m hoping for.

stanleybmanly's avatar

If he goes down for state tax issues, he will be beyond the reach of a Presidential pardon from his successor. But a Federal conviction will almost guarantee a pardon preventing a prison sentence.

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