Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Would Trump, his White House staff, Pence and Fox News employees march with pitchforks and torches to the border after his speech tonight?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) January 8th, 2019 from iPhone

Would you join the march? Destroy the monsters? Kill the beasts at the border? Will Stephen Miller lead the march with a band?

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7 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

I would be more worried about local police forces around the country trying to arrest and silence people who disagree with the Fuehrer.

This state of emergency declaration sounds a lot like the National Socialist game plan in 1933.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

This is a pivital moment for Trump and I can’t see any real moves he can make and come out ok. I expect his speech tonight is going to be trigger point on a slope of dissent from those who were still following him. Beginning of the end depending on what is said tonight.

kritiper's avatar

That’s a long freakin’ march from Washington DC. Maybe after they get off the plane… depending, of course, on where the plane lands…

Inspired_2write's avatar

If he does this in this manner, it is even more fodder for impeachment as evidence of his irresponsibility. This is all ego and posturing to make him look powerful. Perhaps the President should not have Powers, instead perhaps the President of any country should only be seen as a Spokesperson that imparts the decisions of a Government that had reached a consensus?
He is just using more and more erratic behavior that is unchecked by higher powers in Government, which will soon reach there breaking point with him. The whole World does not take anything serious with anything the President says or does.It is a shame that he represents the U.S. as respect has gone out the window now.

rojo's avatar

What needs to happen is that hundreds of people need to go to various points all along the Mexico/US border and post videos showing the total lack of activity, let alone crisis, along almost the entire length.

You don’t have to have been in the desert to realize the absurdity of this proposal but showing people certainly would help.

Personally, I would like to see videos of those thousands of rapey, terrorist drug coyotes driving their human traffic laden pickup trucks through the deserts. I doubt they would get more than 100 yards before flattening all four tires and/or ending up in an arroyo.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Now is the time for all the witches to go in and do whatever it is that witches do.

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