Social Question

janbb's avatar

How would things change if all people looked exactly the same?

Asked by janbb (63363points) January 9th, 2019

Like penguins, for example. I was looking around at the variety of people in my gym class and the thought came to me.

This is just for fun; take it where you want but I’d just as soon that no one person dominates the thread.

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58 Answers

rebbel's avatar

”...but I’d just as soon that no one person dominates the thread.”
You wouldn’t be able to tell who it was, because you would all look like me.

rebbel's avatar

Like me?

Inspired_2write's avatar

Not everyone would look the same if one looked closer even penguins have differences.
If people all looked the same then we would be clones of a prototype but even then people would be different in some way ( personalities etc).
Also I am sure that there will be one or more who would find something to pick on?

Jeruba's avatar

Penguins can tell themselves apart. They probably wonder about us.

If we all looked the same, wouldn’t we still be of different ages? As soon as the beauty and fashion industries got into the picture, we’d see divergence from the standard. And then—rivalry, conflict.

It would be hard to tell “us” from “them” unless we wore tartans or different colors of body paint or different football jerseys. So, again, pretty quickly we’d have to diverge. (And we have to tell “us” from “them” so we can fight somebody and protect our land and our water supply.)

Come to think of it—maybe we did all look the same. But somebody gets to live uphill and somebody else is downhill. Downhill, you’re closer to the water, but uphill, you can see the other guys coming. There you go: conflict.

Conflict is always going to rule. In that, we do all look the same.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

There’d be no “hot” girls or women, just girls or women.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

There’d be no “hot” boys or men, just boys or men.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Am I dominating yet?

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Are you going to report me for being naughty?

janbb's avatar

@Love_my_doggie You are in big trouble!

@rebbel Like you!!

Jeruba's avatar

Me? Why? I’m not being naughty.

janbb's avatar

@Jeruba Not you! Mistake now corrected!

Jeruba's avatar

Are you going to report @Love_my_doggie for being contrary? Just kidding, but that’s actually why I don’t like to ask for things: as soon as you do, somebody sees you as a target.

canidmajor's avatar

I’m soooo confused….

rebbel's avatar

You look beautiful today, @janbb!

janbb's avatar

Why thank you @rebbel ! Do you like my beard?

LadyMarissa's avatar

Even Mothers of identical twins can tell the difference between her children!!!

I have 2 Black Labs that look nothing alike & there is about a 30–40 pound difference in weight. Yet, when people look at them, they can’t tell the apart. Oh yes, one is male & the other female & still people get confused.

janbb's avatar

@LadyMarissa Yes, but for the purpose of this hypothetical question the premise is “exactly the same”!!!

janbb's avatar

@rebbel Whew! Nice to be back in my own beautiful plumage!

rebbel's avatar

@rebbel Whew! Nice to be back in my own beautiful plumage!

janbb's avatar

—The post so nice, I had to say it twice.—

stanleybmanly's avatar

Jeruba’s right. Some method would quickly be invented for distinguishing the beauties from run of the mill birds in the flock. Is flock the right designation? Actually, when you think about it, the males would probably be out to snare a “fat chick”

janbb's avatar

Maybe the beautiful ones would be the most intelligent ones? Or the fastest runners or kindest?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Yeah, of course. We all know how well that one works now. For the men, it would be the ones with all the fish that get the babes. The females would chase after them due to the requirement to gobble up fish to achieve attractive “fat chick” status. So much for kindness in a ruthless unforgiving bird eat bird environment.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Intelligence, on the other hand would be a valued trait, though (just as now) go largely unrecognized. It should go a long way toward facilitating the catching (or theft) of fish. The smart women would figure out the stupidity in the need for a selfish greedy man for the self worth achieved through fat chick status. Better that she catch and steal all the fish. That way she can grow huge and dominate her puny mate-a whole new take on spousal abuse.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Sorry to be serious but that’s how I roll.

My niece is half Japanese. She has dual citizenship. She lived in Japan and went to school there and they wore uniforms.

I was talking to her about how that works, since they were not allowed to make hair color changes, etc…and she said they always treated her poorly because her hair was blond at times due to being half American. From the teachers to the students, she felt discriminated against. They even called her parents to make sure she wasn’t lightening her hair.

So that’s just one story about conformity and everyone looking the same. The bad people will always find someone to pick on.

flutherother's avatar

Things would be a lot easier for criminals as identification parades wouldn’t work.

Dutchess_III's avatar


stanleybmanly's avatar

Yes, testosterone would insist! So it would be the butch females attuned to injections that would rule the rookeries. The (literally) henpecked males would live in fear and torment. There would be questions on websites about possible defenses against marauding females prowling those endless nights. Sharpened ice daggers protruding through wing feathers?

Dutchess_III's avatar

@rebbel Whew! Nice to be back in my own beautiful plumage!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wait. I have a serious question. Would we all be boys or girls?

janbb's avatar

Awwcck! It’s the janbbpocalypse!!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I was going to use @YARNLADY‘s avatar because i MISSED THE ORIGINAL YARANACOPOLIS and I will never forgive myself for that. But I decided it would not be understood by too many people.


janbb's avatar

I hope the joke has a limited lifespan at least. I can’t tell whether I’m me or you except by the context.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I thought it would be really interesting if we all had the same avatar and we had to try and guess who was talking by the things they said and how they say it….

ragingloli's avatar

There are plenty of other things to base your prejudices on.
Also, penguins do not all look the same, you racist.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wait…penguins are black and white. A person can not be racist against something that is black and white.

ragingloli's avatar

There is a whole Star Trek episode about just that, proving you wrong.

janbb's avatar

@ragingloli About penguins in space?

janbb's avatar

@ragingloli Your powers never cease to amaze me.

zenvelo's avatar

All alike? It would make multi partner sex very awkward.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@janbb _ Yes, but for the purpose of this hypothetical question the premise is “exactly the same”!!!”—

WHY was your first reference “Like penguins, for example.? No 2 penguins look alike to their Mother or their partner as pointed out by @Inspired_2write & @Jeruba.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

Then permanent fashion technologies would be popular and perhaps mandatory as people are seeking to differentiate themselves from others. We’ll even have portable DNA-recognizer (since even with similar appearance we’ll still possess different DNA) carried by each individuals so that we can verify people who get in to our house and our real friends.

flutherother's avatar

You wouldn’t need mirrors.

zenvelo's avatar

It could be really crazy picking up your kid from day care.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I find it hilarious that some people are taking this question so literally and seriously, to the point they’re about to start yelling!

It would sure drive a substitute teacher absolutely insane. Kids would be hatching all kind of dastardly plans.

ragingloli's avatar

You just need to give each pupil their own personalised mutilation.
You know, cut an ear off, poke an eye out, scars in different places, burn marks.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sounds like a plan! It would relieve a bunch of frustration, too! But patterned bruising might be a better option. You know…something you can explain away.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@LadyMarissa Her first reference to “Like 2 penguins,” was a nod to Penngy herself. This is a joke question.

flutherother's avatar

You would have to mark your gender on your forehead to avoid confusion.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

^^^Okay should you have “STUD” in blue or green? ?^^^

Asking for a friend.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOLL!! As long as it’s blue or green and not blue-green. shudder.

mazingerz88's avatar

I’m open to all people looking the same as long they’re all my favorite porn star.

raum's avatar

Lots of tattoo’d penguins.

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