Are humans lacking something that dogs have?
Asked by
January 10th, 2019
We all know dogs are different based on personalities, backgrounds, breeds, etc…but they seem to have an essential goodness or acceptance, that we humans seem to need in our lives. What is it exactly we love about them? Do we need more of that in our lives?
Considering Americans spend about $70 billion a year to keep them healthy and happy, and usually living like kings, I’m just curious why you think these relationships are just as important today as they were in the past.
Feel free to add your own stories of love or adoration, or how spoiled your pets are.
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21 Answers
If a dog loves you he or she loves you unconditionally, period.
If a dog hates you he or she will kill you and eat you.
They’re pretty simple that way. It would be nice if people could be so unconditional with others.
I watched a documentary on the domestication of dogs once. They made an interesting comment that dogs actually domesticated humans.
Many things.
Dogs have a better sense of smell, a better sense of hearing, they have claws, sharp teeth, faster sprint.
And they have knots.
Eternal optimism.
Unconditional love.
The ability to lick their genetils.
A tail.
I would like all of these. I know a tail would be odd, but the other three are practical.
They have little sense of what “should” be, only what “is”.
Dogs are fascinated by everything going on round about them. You can tell just by looking at a dog how exciting the world is for them. Humans have lost that.
Well, it started, of course, when the wolves figured out we could do a lot of their hunting for them, and get the left overs from the bone heaps, so they started hanging around with us. It just went from there. Perfect harmony.
Pretty much, especially when they get old. But they’d do the same for us.
Of course yes, they have no inhibitions or knowledge of social protocols.
They can shit & piss in the great oudoors, sniff each others junk & shag without a care in the world…how wonderful.
It is easy to love unconditionally the one who provides you with everything and expects nothing in return apart from the illusion that you love them unconditionally.
^^ Whoa, whoa. I expect quite a bit from my dog beyond unconditional love. To alert me of intruders, to listen intently to me, to accompany me on walks and car rides, to pick up her toys, to dance with me…
My dog is better than humans at most things, including embracing pure uninhibited joy and enthusiasm, resting, being present, cheering people up, loving unconditionally, and forgiving (to name a few). She is also a radical libertarian socialist and loathes capitalists.
^^^ Ha ha!
My dog is the protector of all the children that belong to her, which is all the children within sight and hearing. As in going over a 5 foot, chain link fence to meet up with a poor, sobbing 5 year old, alone, wandering down the street by our house at 1 in the morning. She stayed by his side until they found him the next morning, in the alley across from our house.
ABSOLUTELY. So many animals differ from humans in the sense that they are almost always inherently loving, loyal, and accepting (unless they are abused or go through another traumatic experience). Humans are obviously more complex and advanced, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t anything to admire about animals. They don’t judge each other, because they don’t have any social “norms” or uncomfortable roles to fit, and they adapt so easily to new situations because they are just ecstatic to be alive, and that’s honestly so beautiful to me.
Uhh, dogs very much have social norms. By nature they are pack animals and have a fairly rigid social structure. Even in domesticated dogs where there are more than one we often see that one dominates the other(s) and the other(s) are submissive to the one.
Its 2019, wheres the translators we were supposed to have? Can you imagine the advance it would be?!
It is funny that you humans want a translator, when dogs already can understand human language to some degree.
They can understand commands, they can have toys with names from human language, but the best that humans can do, is somewhat interpret growls, wagging tails, and flattened ears.
And humans are supposedly the smart ones.
Hey @JennWithOneN… you have 2 n’s.
I don’t want a translator. I can only imagine that at this point poor Dakota is so confused and heartbroken, and unable to control her actions.
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