Why does the FBI pick on Trump?
Must our President be scourged and spit upon as he drags his cross of persecution toward Calvary? What’s wrong with working for the Russians? They’re a known equal opportunity employer?
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25 Answers
The FBI picks on trump because he gives them soooo much to work with!!!
But why aren’t they busy rounding up rabid illegal rapists instead of haranguing our “legitimate” pervert?
Limited resources, tunnel vision, easiest target, the latest smoke screen, payback – take your pick.
They always pick on treasonous assholes, for one, and illegals are outside the scope of the FBI. They are on the local law enforcement level. When they get rabies and commit a crime they are rounded up and deported.
~~Because he’s such an ignorant citizen of Russia! j.k.
They aren’t looking without evidence and ALL of his contacts with Putin break protocol and maybe the law, like having the translator destroy all notes and telling the translator to “be QUIET”, (awaiting the subpoena for the translator) !
He was a “gangster” in New York in construction industry. Don’t think he’s changed!
Keep in mind that the FBI is not your local police force. They deal in matters that may be dangerous to the US and Americans as a whole.
Revenge for having the leaders of the FBI fired?
“illegal rapists” happens to be FAKE NEWS & they don’t investigate fake news!!!
Fluther’s Biased Individuals?
I guess they pick on him because they’re hurting…badly.
By now, I don’t think anyone really believes in Trump / Russia ties, but they are going to claim that they do and act accordingly. The people with egg on their faces are those who believed it after the first year or so.
The dossier by Christopher Steele from which all of this is based was commissioned and paid for by Hillary Clinton, through Fusion GPS and Hillary’s own Russian sources via Fusion GPS. There is enough evidence merely though the Strzok/Page texts to convict the Hillary campaign with Russian ties, but no one is interested in doing this.
Because he’s guilty as fuck.
Perhaps you want a more loquacious answer.
Having a President who is in the pocket of another country is dangerous to ours.
He is obviously undermining many of the core beliefs this nation was founded on, and he is equally obvious in his violations of our laws.
The damage he is doing to America is much greater than most any other violators of criminal law.
Regarding the Russians: they are undermining our election laws to promote chaos in the west, lower our global stature and influence, and create disunity with our allies.
@Yellowdog, saying ”By now, I don’t think anyone really believes in Trump / Russia ties… show the disconnect typical of trump and his supporters.
If youve been paying any attention the case against him gets stronger every day.
@YARNLADY the FBI doesn’t engage in frivilous investigstions to create smoke screens or deflection like the media does to boost raisings.
The FBI is sworn to protect the United States, and right now trump is the #1 biggest threat to our country. Their investigation is dead serious and trump is in deep trouble.
@Dutchess_lll James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and McCabe’s attorney Jim Baker are under criminal investigation right now. Trump is not.
@Yellowdog A Source PLEEZE ! Off the wall claims doesn’t improve your position of Trump’s shit doesn’t stink. !
@Yellowdog Trump isn’t under criminal investigation? You want to reconsider that position?
He has been under investigation for years. Being elected pushed it to a whole new level. But the longer it takes the more secure I feel. It means they are making an air tight case. They’re going to bury him.
The Muller probe is a counter-intelligence investigation, not a criminal investigation.
A criminal investigation starts with evidence of a crime and then a criminal investigation is started.
There has never been any named crime or evidence of any crime involving Trump, though they sure have scoured the dumpsters and porn stars and tax forms of anyone associated with Trump looking for one.
Comey, McCabe and Baker committed FISA Court fraud in order to spy on the Trump campaign
@Yellowdog Cohen and Manafort are what; hotdogs or hamberders ? ? ?
Your opinion is that Comey, McCabe and Baker committed crimes against the Fuhrer ? ? ?
They’re gettin’ there @Yellowdog. The snakes are committing suicide. One step at a time.
@Tropical_Willie Trump does not charge or investigate leakers and liars. Comey pretty much bragged about leaking and spreading propaganda in his book. How stupid s that? Comey brags in a self-glorifying way about his crimes as if they were for the good of America He even admitted it before congress. Comey, McCabe, and Baker (Comey’s attorney) are all under criminal investigation.
@Dutchess_lll You are basing your beliefs on an article from Buzzfeed, which has been debunked by Mueller himself. It is pathetic. Buzzfeed has a ZERO track record for accuracy or truth in reporting about Trump. The story itself was riddled with contractions and things which couldn’t possibly be true. Yet all the major networks cited it as a true source.
It should be pretty obvious by now that many of you have bought the propaganda out there that is regurgitated by the same stupid pundits and faces rather than explore what is really going on in this country. Maybe you should check the bias of your sources and the lies which are plainly obvious to most thinking people.
I don’t subscribe to, or read, Buzzfeed. Not even sure what it is except I suspect it’s way left leaning so it’s off my reading list.
@Yellowdog The news reports cited Buzzfeed as the source because they wanted everyone to take it with a grain of salt, not to make us believe it was true. As in “Buzzfeed says this, wink, wink, nudge,nudge”
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