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KNOWITALL's avatar

What's the worst thing you have ever done to another human being?

Asked by KNOWITALL (29987points) January 15th, 2019

Just looking back over your life, we can often see things differently with hindsight and some may be pretty awful.

What’s the worst thing you have said or done to another human being?
Do you regret it?
Would you apologize today if you saw that person?

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26 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Nailed one to a cross, once.

Dutchess_III's avatar

In 3rd grade I called my friend a “nigger.” I will never forget the look on his face. His name was / is Clarence.
I never used that word again. I tried in my own clumsy way to apologize by being extra nice to him, but I never actually said I was sorry. But yes. In a heart beat I would like to apologize.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I don’t think I have ever been really shitty to anyone. I’m blunt and matter of fact to the point of being rude at times but any offense taken is not intended. I mostly get taken the wrong way. I picked on a kid once when I was in middle school but he was trying to pick on me and I retaliated a bit too much. Felt bad about that but looking back it was brief and it was not bullying. If he left me alone I did the same.

rebbel's avatar

I beat (up) a guy who attacked my little brother.
Immediately afterwards (when we were running for dear life) I felt ashamed and regretful (regretful for hurting someone (too much)).

In my first relationship I was too egocentric (I know now that I should have admitted that then).
I apologized, and we are still friends.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I burnt a baby’s forehead with my cigarette in my late teens by being inattentive. Not bad or anything but it scared the crap out of me. They are fast moving little suckers!

Once I told one kid (maybe 16 yrs old) his mother was a lush and he needed to get her out of the bar before she got her butt kicked. She was starting fights and very drunk. I regret not asking the kid if he was okay and offering him a ride home though.

@rebbel Oh wow, I didn’t even ponder the love relationships.

rebbel's avatar

@KNOWITALL Yup, them too :-)

KNOWITALL's avatar

@rebbel Well I took one ex’s checkbook and threatened to clean out his bank account if he didn’t give me my stuff back. I also threatened to tell the cops he hit me to get my way, which I despise in women, but I did it. We are still good friends today and I’ve apologized as has he.

rebbel's avatar

Bravo to you both!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@rebbel Bravo to you for sticking up for your little brother. Nothing wrong with that imo.

Dutchess_III's avatar

One of my first infant baby sitting jobs was when I was 13. I was trying to change a diaper for, like, the first time in my life. They weren’t disposable diapers. Suddenly the kid was scream. I looked at him and he had clenched his hand around the safty pin and refexively brought it up to his face. Stabbed himself in the cheek. I felt sick thinking that he could have stabbed his eye.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III OMG! Glad he’s okay! That makes me feel a little better though…lol

filmfann's avatar

My transgressions are vile and very personal.
I have 5 or 6 awful things I have done or said I would like mulligans on.

ucme's avatar

Maybe that time I slept with my then girlfriend’s sister.
She found out & in front of her entire family proceeded to beat me about the head & face with a fluffy slipper. This forced me into the only course of action available to me, as I would never & have never hit a woman, I placed her head in the kitchen sink & turned on the cold water tap, then I fled home & swore to be faithful from that day on…i’ve been a good boy ever since.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I was being bullied by a gang of 8 or more male grade 5 students when I was in grade 4 during recess. I knocked the two front teeth out of the leaders mouth. They mostly left me alone after I got tall. As karma goes next year I knocked out my two front adult teeth in a baseball game. I turned my head to the right and hit a metal pipe on the stairwell. I have crowns now.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@RedDeer Gosh do you have bad luck or what? Lol

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@KNOWITALL Yes. My awkward years while I was learning how to cope with my growth spirt. I was 6’1” when I was 12 years old , and had a thin mustache.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@RedDeer Wow, thats dna for you I guess. Sorry it was hard for you. :( The only bad thing about online friends is that I cant give you hugs.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@KNOWITALL I might have been exposed to testosterone? That is the only way that I can explain my growth spirt and aggression. I would like to think that someone used the Captain Americas super-solders serum on me. For giggles. Maybe the hormones in all that red meat that I was eating while growing up with triggered the growth and aggression?

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Tostesterone isn’t some thing you’re “exposed to”, like asbestos or something. When boys hit puberty, at about 13, glands start manufacturing and pumping testosterone. And yes. It triggers agression, hair growth and growth spurts and a strong focus on sex.
Girls get doses of estrogen.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I bullied my brother because I was jealous of the attention he got. I was 8 or 9.

I dearly regret all of that now. We are good friend and I make sure no one touches a hair of his.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@Mimishu1995 Typical sibling rivalry, nothing to regret.

josie's avatar

You don’t want to know

rebbel's avatar

@josieWhat’s the worst thing you have ever done to another human being?
I think the OP does.

ragingloli's avatar

Probably dropped napalm on a vietnamese village.
The trees. They are in the fucking trees.

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