Is it true that a honest thief is a dead thief?
Just wondering. Humor welcome. How would you make it so an honest thief would survive? Like a white hat hacker? Or like Han Solo from Star Wars? Do you have any biographies of successful honest thief’s, in real life?.
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10 Answers
In my opinion, there’s NO such thing as an honest thief!!! By definition, they’re NOT doing one half of the requirement right. IF they were honest, they wouldn’t be a thief. IF they’re a thief, they’re NOT being honest.
@LadyMarissa I’m thinking of the difference between being principled and being selfless And being greedy and unprincipled. Like Disney’s Aladdin. A diamond in the rough.
It’s as close as you can get since a dead man is nothing at all except a corpse.
If you believe in the afterlife then you may consider that statement again…
If you believe in the afterlife you will have to die to find out, provided you go to the same place.
honest – free from fraud or deception
thief – one that steals especially stealthily or secretly
steal – to take the property of another wrongfully and especially as a habitual or regular practice
I’d say a concealed speed trap constitutes an honest thief. They use stealth to take money from others for often trivial infractions where practically all reasonable and safe drivers are only technically exceeding the speed limit, as a regular practice.
Yes, because the only honest thief is a dead thief and aphorisms are always pithy at this time of year.
What about Robin Hood? He stole from the rich to give to the poor.
Agreed. An honest thief would be someone who steals what someone else does not rightfully or ethically own.
Stealing even for one’s own survival or even that for someone else’s benefit, if procured from someone or some business who is the rightful owner, is a regular and ‘true’ thief. Aladdin was dishonest to steal but we can understand why he did it. Sometimes, you have no choice if your survival or someone else is dependent on it.
Well, you don’t have to say the truth to be honest.Thiefs never tell everyone: ‘Hey, you, listen, I’ve never stolen a thing!’. They just keep silence.
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