What do you think Trump was thinking when he served the Clemson Tigers cold fast food at the White House for their Champion Feast?
And not only that, he didn’t even stay to eat and visit with them. God I miss Obama.
Is there any rational defense for his behavior?
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27 Answers
What do you mean? What should have been served?
Well, since he shut down the government, he had to pay for the food himself.
So, of course he cheaped out on it, instead of, let us say, having one of his hotels do the catering.
Because he has no respect for anyone, or anything.
Could he have actually thought he was bonding with them or something @ragingloli?
BTW, several celebrates are stepping up to offer an actual high class dinner to the champs, which they had every right to expect from the White House.
The event is being invited to the White House, not the dinner.
From the footage I saw, everyone seemed to enjoy it. They were piling it on, and looked in good spirits.
By the way, FDR served Queen Elizabeth hot dogs.
What was trump thinking??? His favorite food is a cold cheeseburder & he had 1,000 sitting before him!!!
The King and Queen were there for four days. On one of the days, for one of the meals, it was a picnic. The king had never had a hot dog before, and that is probably why they served them. The King enjoyed it and asked for more. Source. Pretty sure FDR didn’t just dump them out in the meadow and leave.
It was a very different situation than a one time invitation to the White House for a dinner honoring their achievement. It was an insult from a brainless jerk who probably thought he was being one of the cool kids.
Plus trump said at least a dozen times that he was looking forward to their visit.
And he didn’t even stay to talk!
It sounds like you would prefer that the US had a royal family that would lavish guests with fancy food.
If you “miss Obama” because Trump didn’t serve “high class” food, you might be part of the problem.
I would never second guess any president for suddenly disappearing.
None of us know whether he was called away because some urgent matter needed his immediate action.
Maybe he needed to importantly rush away to correct the spelling in his Tweet about hamberders.
Yes, I’m sure that was it @Zaku!
My response was not posted to be a joke.
Pretty rude.
If you only want responses which make fun of the president, then the question is obviously flame bait.
You know, you should come over to my dungeon for dinner.
I will serve you cold dog food, in a can.
And I want to hear no complaints from you.
“I feel like groping tonight”
It is interesting that the same people who are excusing trump’s blatant faux pas, are the same ones who said, on another of my threads, that people shouldn’t have to adjust their behavior according to specific situations. They don’t understand that you wouldn’t talk to the King and Queen the way you’d talk to your buds at the bar. I think it’s possible that they really don’t see what the problem is.
The vast majority of people do see the problem, though, and some of them are stepping up to try and make it right for the boys.
@Dutchess_III: “It is interesting that the same people who are excusing trump’s blatant faux pas, are the same ones who said, on another of my threads, that people shouldn’t have to adjust their behavior according to specific situations.”
1. You are correct that this is related to your other civility/manners/snobbery threads.
2. You are incorrect that anyone claimed that situational behavior exists.
3. I’m not excusing Trump’s behavior. I’m criticizing reactionary criticisms of a man that deserves an infinite amount of criticism. It’s like criticizing Hitler for talking while he chews his food.
I mean what’s left to be said about a man so short on class that he can’t qualify as a proper villain? There are times when I’m convinced that ridicule directed at the man amounts to poking fun at the disabled. In fact the quandary is probably worthy of a question.
I saw a meme on facebook that said “Junk food on a silver platter. It’s a perfect metaphor for Trump’s presidency.”
@notnot, I hardly think that not cussing in a classroom makes me a snob.
I don’t think that refraining from opining on my religious or political views in certain situations makes me a snob. I find it odd that you think it does.
@Dutchess_lll: ”@notnot, I hardly think that not cussing in a classroom makes me a snob.”
I must have misunderstood your previous thread. I didn’t think this was what you were talking about.
But yes, you are taking a classist position on something as mundane as a White House visit. People eat fast food. You may not. I may not. But people do. To ridicule Trump for serving up fast food (something he likes and something millions of Americans eat) is giving legitimacy to a man that deserves none.
Whether it’s ridiculing the food of the masses or people visiting convenience stores in pajamas and slippers, you seem to have very little regard for regular people. You’re attacking Trump from the right, which is a dangerous thing to do.
He’s a clueless fool. He proves that literally every single day.
I would not call an invitation from the president “mundane.” Would you?. It’s not like a class field trip.
I am not a fast food person but I understand that many people enjoy fast food. Has it ever crossed your mind that it’s possible for the guests to enjoy fast food? Unhealthy, yes, but they’re not eating that every single day, just like how people drink alcohols in parties. Him not staying there doesn’t seem like a big issue. The guests know that he is a busy person and the world won’t crumble just because he’s not there to greet them.
Oh, he was there to “greet” them, @Unofficial_Member. Have you not seen the video? He gave a speech about the wall, then walked out.
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