Do any of you have a PS4?
Asked by
January 17th, 2019
And if so, what games are you playing now?
What are your favorites?
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27 Answers
I do. I play Elite Dangerous quiet a lot. It’s kind of a open-world MMO space sim that features a supposedly 1:1 recreation of the Milky Way Galaxy. The developers estimate that, to date, several years after it’s launch, less than 1% (by number of star systems) of the in-game galaxy has been explored by players.
At the moment I’m also playing Red Dead Redemption II, Star Wars: Battlefront II (occasionally) and the new God of War.
@Darth_Algar Cool, I may have to try that.
Husband is playing Red Dead 2 now and is trying for the White horse, or Gold horse, shoot I don’t remember…lol. Have you got the bait for fishing yet? If so how?
I’m playing the brand new Tomb Raider/ Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Much better than the last one by far. Spyro was okay but beat it quick.
We didn’t like the Star Wars, although the hover bikes were cool.
Fair warning though, Elite Dangerous has a seriously steep learning curve. The tutorials are fairly bare and the game basically just throws you in, sink or swim. Looking things up online and consulting forums dedicated to the game becomes a near necessity. Luckily, for the most part ED players are a friendly and helpful bunch.
This is strictly an Xbox house, we have 3, one each for myself, my son & my daughter.
When they were younger they had the PS one & two, but xbox live is a source dude, it’ll change your life :D
@ucme Ha! Thats an endorsement fo sho!
Marios on xbox isnt it? What are your fave games?
@rebbel Is that a shooter game? I dont really like the violence although on Rex Dead I am good lol.
Did you play Uncharted? I kind of dig the story line, puzzle, adventure games.
@KNOWITALL We’re all into Fifa football at the moment & I love the old Call of Duty Modern Warfare games.
I do, I played it a lot when I was going through a stressful time and I’ll be honest, it helped a lot to take my mind off things. I played “the last of us” quite a bit since it was not available on PC and prompted the purchase. Still one of the best games ever made IMO. My wife watches “the playroom” for entertainment rather often. It’s also still used to play DVDs and blue rays but most of my “gaming” is done on the PC. I have Red dead II on PS4 but have hardly played it. My wife plays all kinds of puzzle games on it. It’s her console at this point.
@Darth_Algar Elite Dangerous, what no man’s sky should have been? Have not played it yet.
I left my PS2 with my mom. I only liked Dragon ball, when playing with friends. Also I have a Blue/ray player and don’t find the need to buy anything newer.
Madden. COD. No Man’s Sky. GTA. God of War.
Of course, everyone is on Fortnite.
I’m not really sure. I haven’t played No Man’s Sky, so I’m not terribly familiar with it or it’s mechanics or structure. I do know one difference is that while Elite Dangerous does have planets you can explore, as of yet planets with atmosphere can’t be landed on. So as a player you don’t really encounter alien flora and fauna like you do in No Man’s Sky. I hear that Frontier Developments are working on atmospheric landings to be added to Elite Dangerous in a future update, but no word on when that might be.
We’ve been an Xbox house as well but our youngest has been asking for a PS4. I have friends who I’ve lost contact with since Red Dead Redemption II came out.
I just got it for Christmas with Marvel’s Spider-Man game, which is unbelievable — and really the only reason I got the PS4
I know, but I’m not willing to spend my money on them. They might have better games but I can wait until they’re ported to PC. Or alternatively, until they’re playable in emulator.
I bought a used one specifically to play Persona 5.
Now it is catching dust again.
I also played Horizon Zero Dawn, which reminded me how much I despise playing with a controller, and forced me to buy a program that enabled me to control the PS4 from my PC with mouse and keyboard.
@cookieman We liked Spiderman, too, but I think my husband traded it in already.
@MrGrimm Madden, Lawd I am sooooo sick of Madden!
That Spider-Man game looks awesome.
Spider-Man is pretty great @Darth_Algar.
“Traded it in” — Ha! I’m such an amateur gamer @KNOWITALL, it’ll take me two years just to get through the game.
I had a PS3 for three years and only played two games the whole time — and didn’t finish either.
I just don’t have the free time to get good at these things.
@cookieman Me either. But now that hubs is working nights and I’m working days, I get a little time to myself. That’s why I like the puzzles and things in Uncharted and TombRaider.
You guys should try Deadpool, it’s hilarious!!! To me, it’s one of the funniest games evaaaa…
This The story, the music score, the feeling and atmosphere in this game is unmatched. It had a kick ass multiplayer too that I was addicted to for years. The second installment is about to drop, can’t wait. The soundtrack is still regularly played in the background when I’m working alone.
I’m a huge fan of the Uncharted series. Dug the first two of the rebooted Tomb Raider franchise as well (haven’t played the new one).
@Darth We finally found common ground, its a start lol
The new TR is 100% better, I restarted it last weekend because as you collect things you have to go backwards to open tombs you passed. Missed too many the first time and got stuck with no climbing harness.
I was pissed of by the third game, because after 2 games of murdering dudes left and right, and now covering herself in mud and eviscerating fools like the god damned predator, she still is an emotional, whiny brat.
Is it too much to ask to finally have her be a badass motherfucker?
@raging And if you change character Lara’s image is bare bones, incomplete. The puzzles and tombs actually required Googling at least twice now, kinda cool to be that hard. Challenging. I think the hanging rope kill from trees is pretty badass.
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