General Question

jonsblond's avatar

Is the shutdown intended to divert attention from the Mueller investigation?

Asked by jonsblond (44397points) January 17th, 2019

I’ve been wanting to ask this question for the past week. It’s been on my mind. I just read this tonight from Robert Reich:

“It gets worse and worse. Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, two federal law enforcement officials involved in an investigation of the matter tell BuzzFeed News. He also received 10 personal updates from Michael Cohen and encouraged a planned meeting with Vladimir Putin.”

“Let me say it again: The shutdown is intended to divert attention from all of this.”

I might stay out of this discussion but I will be reading. I’m curious to see what you all have to say.

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18 Answers

mazingerz88's avatar

Can’t say I agree with Reich unless trump is indeed that stupid. Distract how when the Mueller investigation goes on despite the shutdown.

Plus it’s too plain and obvious why there’s a shutdown. Prime Minister Limbaugh and President Coulter rattled Emperor trump With No Clothes enough to make him think he should fight for a dumb piece of wall regardless of consequences to innocent government workers.

Caravanfan's avatar

Everything Trump does is to distract from his crimes.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Whether it is or not, it certainly can’t work. I mean do you really believe that a Trump indictment will be ignored because we’re fixated on the shutdown?

jonsblond's avatar

@stanleybmanly It seems he’s prolonging the situation so he can enjoy his hamberders and not deal with real life.

Pandora's avatar

I think it’s more than one thing. First he lost the house of representatives and that made him look weak and made him nervous about his future. Then he thought he could flip the script and assert his dominance over Congress and Nancy Pelosi, but failed miserably. I think he believes if he looks strong to his base, he can get his numbers up and scare the Republicans to back him up and defend him or risk defeat in 2020. Only he made Republicans look weak and McConnell so self serving.

People are starting to realize that Pelosi is the only one willing to hold onto the power of congress and if she gives in this will be how all future negotiations will go. Government workers will be hostages and Congress will not be the body of equal power, and Trump will become an official dictator. Also Trumps view of what government agencies really do is extremely limited. He doesn’t respect or understand all that they do to support our country and keep it functioning. He probably just thinks it is the FBI and CIA and military and a few smaller agencies that mean nothing to him but mean everything to the country.

So to him, starving the FBI is going to be something else he wants to do. What he doesn’t quite get, is Congress is the one who can start impeachment hearings and no amount of stalling can save him if republican senators start to feel that Trump is willing to tank their future votes and tank the nation to save himself. I think some are starting to realize Trump is sinking and its either get the torches ready and hunt the witch down (Trump) or get ready to burn at the next elections.

LostInParadise's avatar

The Mueller investigation will eventually come to an end, and when it does, nothing short of starting a war will distract from its conclusions.

Shutting down the government is too extreme an action to distract from the investigation.

janbb's avatar

I think it is partly a way to obstruct the agenda, not necessarily of the Mueller investigation but also to tie up the House so their various investigations are slowed down.

Trump may be just throwing a temper tantrum but McConnell is abetting him for political reasons.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

“The Walll!!!!!!!” is a distraction and the shutdown is a result.

Trump is flailing. The Mueller indictments include his actions (as “Individual 1”), his few decent hires are jumping ship (like Mattis), and even Fox News is pointing out his lies .

So he is retreating to his comfort zone. Dishonest hysteria about the border was the theme the day he announced his candidacy in 2015, and his racism never fails to bring cheers from the rubes.

kritiper's avatar

I don’t think so. Trump is just doing that so everyone will know that he still has that big chip on his shoulder.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s not distracting me. I’m reading every single thing that comes out on the investigation. This kind of goes back to my question, “Whose fault is it if we allow ourselves to be distracted?”

YARNLADY's avatar

I think his wife kicked him out, and he is lashing out.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Probably so ? This President does not know what he is doing and is slinging mud everywhere to smear and divert , that’s all.
He is clinging onto whatever power he can get, whether through media rants,twitter etc
Something is definitely wrong with this man, mentally.
Its too bad that he is President of a Country!
He causes more harm by escalating things to the breaking point. He thinks that by doing so that he can tire the others enough or starve them out it seems is his method.
Does he have a Histrionic personality or combative ?

Inspired_2write's avatar
Found it..I think that this type sounds like what behaviours Trump exibits most.
Especially the last paragraph.
Combative Personality.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Combative and stupid.

seawulf575's avatar

I find this question and most of the answers to be the worst sort of conspiracy theory. First off, the question cites a situation that the Mueller team has disputed….the Buzzfeed article. Mueller’s team says that wasn’t true. But here it is, being presented as fact. Then the question totally ignores reality to make the claim that the POTUS would be the only one involved in a government shutdown. The shutdown happens because the congress and the POTUS can’t come to terms for what is acceptable for budgetary issues. So really, what the question is asking is if the Dems in the House are trying to distract from the Mueller investigation. But gee…that makes no sense. It has to be only Trump. And every answer along the way pretty much feeds on that. Sad, really.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^It is only trump. The senate passed a bill to avoid shutting the govermernt down. It’s his shutdown. He told you personally it’s his. Why be in denial?

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