Social Question
Is it really necessary to stigmatize brazen people?
We’re talking about people who compliment you when you’re out there, they tend to give brazen compliments, something that some people regard as catcalling. It can happen to both gender but oftentimes I find that women tend to shy away from (or sometimes act aggressively toward) this kind of treatments. I, myself, find that getting such compliments enjoyable, and I even appreciate the brazen men who do that.
I’ve been in the same situation with my female relatives when they were being catcalled by some men, and in such situation they either ignored or moved away quickly from those men (and asked me to do the same). I was appalled that they acted like that when they usually appreciate compliments (and act humbly and thank the person who compliments them!). When I asked them why, some of them said something like “I don’t need compliment from good-for-nothing men” or something along the line, the others simply said “I’m not that cheap/those aren’t good men”. For all we know, not all brazen men are bad people, and a compliment is a compliment and it’s meant to be savored. Appreciating romantic-like advances won’t make you a cheap person, you can still appreciate and not accept, it’s the thought that counts, as the saying goes. I think they adopt too much unnecessary idea from their overprotective families.
When people say “heeey girl, nice ass” or something like “I got a big one”, why must they be treated with cold shoulder or unappreciative remark, especially when you’re single? I would laugh at something like that and appreciate the compliments. These people compliment your nice features and brave enough to tell you that. What’s not to like about assertive, brazen people? (At least they’re better than conventionally polite boring people that are shy or focus too much on what’s proper). I think many ‘catcallers’ get too much uncalled-for treatments from the society, especially from women. Stigma should not be allowed to justify our action toward these people. What do you think? Do you appreciate brazen compliments/remarks? Do you think people are being judgemental and over-cautious when they can simply laugh at it or at least try to appreciate the brazen compliments?