Anyone believe Jesus will come back for His people in this lifetime?
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50 Answers
You’re more likely to see Santa pop out of your chimney.
Yes, when the Easter Bunny comes down our chimney.
Oh, there are many, who believe that.
They are, of course, wrong.
Of course not. And not in any future lifetime, either.
All people of faith believe that,it keeps them going and works for them.
Most religions have been preaching that for hundreds of years and it hasn’t happened yet, so I won’t hold my breath.
It’s funny…people assume it will happen in their generation, and better yet, in their country! What if he comes back to his native Middle East and nobody knows ever knows it?
Oh don’t worry @Dutchess_III ^^ Fox news will be all over that should it happen.
What if Jesus comes back, and tells everyone to become Muslim?
But how will they know? He’ll just look like Ayatollah Khomeini and a million other Middle Eastern men?
What if he comes back and tells everyone to become a Jew?
Well, people have been thinking that since the time of St. Paul. I think the point is that if you do believe Jesus is coming back, it’s not something you’ll be able to predict the time of. I’m pretty sure the Bible says that anyway.
2,000 years of “any day now”.
Is there a parallel in Greek or Roman mythology where some deity dies, but then comes back to life? It has always fascinated me to realize how much the Christian stories match the Greek Mythology stories.
He would not arrive unnoticed. He would see to it that the entire sky would light up and that people from all countries would look up and fall to their knees. He would be, maybe, surrounded by not only super bright light but angels playing trumpets. So, not to worry.
@Dutchess_III many deities have been born of a virgin and been risen from the dead. Not in the mood to research them now, though. lol
^^^ I know. Of course, Christianity was heavily influenced by those myths and so they just borrowed them.
Maybe. Maybe not. It’d be really cool if He did!
You know part of the prepper group firmly believe. We’re talking gold bars and several passport people. Maybe more than you think.
It is ironic, really, because the type of people that usually become preppers, are the kind of people you do not want to pollute your gene pool to repopulate the planet.
@JLeslie Doomsday preppers.
@ragingloli A lot of regular people stockpile for winter here, its normal. Another room full is not too weird is it? The real passport folks are not quite as easy to find.
I do not count people that store up for the winter as preppers.
Preppers are people that build their own bunkers and fortified compounds, and collect metric fuck tons of guns and ammo in anticipation of an imminent total collapse of civilisation.
Those people are usually religious nut jobs and conspiracy theorists.
Preppers crack me up! They are so delusional.
And in the case that civilisation really collapses, those preppers will not become the kernels of reconstruction.
They will become the local warlords and bands of raiders.
Their authoritarian nature and drunkenness on power based on their weapon stockpile will turn them into despots inclined to dominate anyone who is desperate enough to want to join them.
“I have the guns, so you will obey me.”
Something that you do not want, especially if you are a woman. Because they will demand sex from you in return for their “gracious protection”.
No no. No, see, they think the gubment is gonna take everyone out and they’re ready to dig in with their AR15s and fight off the Tom Cats and SAMS and the Apache helicopters and tanks, not to mention thousands of well armed, well equipped American soldiers. Gooo Bubba!
He probably has been back, took a look around, and then left in disgust.
I could absolutely believe that^^^^^ I leave for a couple of thousand years and these humans totally fuck the place up.
Why would he come back?
Did he forget he left the iron on?
Consider the following: If some guy walked up to you and said, “Behold! I am Jesus Christ.” What would you say?? Seriously!
I’d hand him my water bottle and ask him to make me some wine.
It’s gotta be the good shit though: Mogen David 20/20.
Exactly what I was thinking. Or hand him a fish and a loaf of bread and send him to the nearest homeless shelter.
@ Dutchess III You’re just going to take his word for it that he is, indeed, Jesus Christ? But how would you know it was him? The REAL him? THE Jesus Christ?
I’d guess @Darth_Algar would stand there and watch to see the change take place, provided this Christ guy proved, first of all that it really was him and not someone like, say, Satan.
Oh. Sorry. I really wasn’t thinking of your question @kritiper. Like Darth I guess I’d ask him to prove it by working a miracle of some kind.
But yeah. It could be Satan too. THEN what we gonna do?
Eh, Jesus, Satan, whatever. They’re in business together, so I figure one’s as good as the other.
Faith and seventy five cents’ll get you a cup of coffee.
Ferengi Rules of Acquisition #104:
Faith moves mountains… of inventory.
I once worked with a girl named Faith. At that same place was a girl called Hope. Hope died from a screwed up lap band surgery.
Hope and Faith are the names of Chuck Norris’ left and right breast.
Jesus was a man who died and like all men who died throughout time. He is not likely to return. The Bible and religion is a mythology. There is no pie in the sky looking out for you.
^^^ You might read previous answers before you respond @mightym. You’re not telling us anything we don’t already know.
I wish I could spend a day in a true believer’s mind. I think it would explain a lot.
Welcome to Fluther, @mightym.
SSSSHHHhhhhh, oh for goodness sake don’t tell the religious right that oh they might burn a cross on your lawn @mightym .
It would really depend on the individual @longgone. If you could have spent a day in my mind when I was a true believer you wouldn’t have noticed much at all. I never accepted the miracles as a fact, or that Jesus rose from the dead, or that his mom was a virgin. I thought it was ridiculous.
But if you spent a day in the head of Jim Jones you’d have a completely different experience.
Christianity, Jesus, up to a point. Then the ridiculousness of it all, the unanswerable questions, they contradictory nature of it all just got to be too much.
Indeed. Common sense, and science, are religion’s biggest obstacles…
@Dutchess_III I think that’s why I’d like to experience it. I’m very curious how people rationalize it all.
They just blindly accept @longgone. Mostly out of fear, I think. Fear of “hell,” or fear of rejection by their society.
I once mentioned my misgivings to someone at my church. They looked at me in horror, like I’d grown two heads or something. Never brought it up again.
My preacher flinched everytime I raised my hand to ask a question because he knew it would be a question there was no answer to except “God works in mysterious ways.” I really wanted there to be answers, though. I finally quit asking because I felt sorry for him.
@MrGrimm888 they are also religion’s most powerful forces. If you can convince people to ignore their common sense and what they know to be real, you can get them to do anything.
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