Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Have you ever wanted your best friend to be your girl friend and your girl friend to be your best friend?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) January 20th, 2019

Is it ok to think like that?

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20 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Just get a dog.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@ragingloli it was twenty years ago. Besides I’m a cat person.

ragingloli's avatar

A tigress, then.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Ideally, your girlfriend and best friend are the same person.

My husband’s my best friend, and I think that’s the key to a happy marriage.

cookieman's avatar

^^ Agreed 100% Love_my_doggie.

My wife and I were good friends first, for about a year or so — we were part of a group of friends. Then we started dating. She’s been my best friend now for thirty years.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I was told to be friends first by my elders. I will follow it.

LadyMarissa's avatar

My best friend was my boyfriend & my boyfriend was my best friend!!! Then we got married & my husband was my best friend & my best friend was my husband. It was quite convenient. As far as I’m concerned, it is quite NORMAL to think that way!!!

kritiper's avatar

I suppose. I’ve heard of couples who weren’t happy until they switched partners.
I don’t think friends should boink friends. Girl friends/boyfriends is different. Just sayin’...

seawulf575's avatar

My best friend was my girlfriend and vice versa. Now she is my wife.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Be careful not to end up in the Friend Zone. Once you’re in the Friend Zone there’s no escaping it.

kritiper's avatar

You can escape the friend zone. You just have to give the person in question a reason for being more than a friend.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Oh, I don’t think you can. Once you’re in that state what more can you offer her that you’re not already?

kritiper's avatar

A woman decides the first time she meets you whether you’ll be a lover or a friend. But she can change her mind. If you don’t have enough to offer that one person, by all means, MOVE ON!
I’ve found out that both men and women know about the “third date rule,” But it’s actually a myth. A woman might sleep with you on the first date, She might not sleep with you for 6 months! She may NEVER sleep with you! But you have to offer her a reason, a purpose to make that next step happen. If you don’t think she’ll “let you in” then call her on it. Tell her you’re looking for something else in a relationship, that maybe the two of you should see other people. Then don’t call her. EVER! Let her make the next move, if she will. Then you’ll know.

seawulf575's avatar

I think the “Friend Zone” applies to the young. More mature women, I think, want a guy with character and that can only be determined by getting to know someone, i.e. being a “friend”.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Sure, you can be friends, but there’s got to be more there than just that. A lot of guys, esp “nice guys”, make that mistake. They think that the way forward is to just be her BFF and wait for the girl to one day throw herself into his arms.

kritiper's avatar

Sure you can be (just plain) friends. (In my book, you can have sex with your “girl friend” but you don’t have sex with a (just plain) “friend”. Too confusing!) There’s no law against it. But not all guys are looking for “just a friend.”
I had lots of friends who were girls when I was young. What I wanted was a girl friend. A sexual partner. A significant other.

kritiper's avatar

A question back to the OP: Please define what you call a “best friend?” Is that someone you are having sex with or it that “best friend” just a friend? I must assume you want to have sex at some point, at least, with this “girl friend.”

Darth_Algar's avatar


I think you’re basically saying the same thing I am, just in a less direct manner.

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