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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What can a nail salon do for my ichy dry feet bottoms?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25199points) January 22nd, 2019

What do I ask for? What should It cost?

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18 Answers

ellespark's avatar

They can’t do much for a permanent solution. And it depends what the underlying cause is. The best thing for dry skin is lotion and socks on at night. I have a problem with dry heels and I hate sleeping with socks on, let alone lotion and socks, but it’s better than cracked painful heels.

ellespark's avatar

Never, ever let them use the “cheese grater”!! They’re not allowed to use them (in my state) but many salons still leave them and will use them if you ask. It seems like a good solution but it really exacerbates the situation in the long run. My good friend does my nails and almost slapped me in the head when I told her I bought one of those things and explained how bad they were for your feet.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I agree lotion at night with socks.

KNOWITALL's avatar

A salon will wrap in a hot wet towel, soak, remove dead skin, massage with oil or lotion, and send you home feeling great. They can do a pedi ob your toenails too if you want.

People may call me a redneck but vaseline under socks or foot bags at night helps dry, cracked skin. Or Bag Balm, medicated ointment for cow boobies. Lol

Jeruba's avatar

Try a lotion such as Aveeno moisturizer. I would hate sleeping with socks on, but I do usually wear socks during the day, so I apply the lotion first thing in the morning.

A manicurist or pedicurist might give you someplace to start, but for diagnosis and treatment of a skin care or foot care problem that you can’t solve yourself, you need to see a dermatologist or a podiatrist.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Jeruba Thanks. I will put getting a referral on my list of things to do.

JLeslie's avatar


Are they red? I only ask to make sure you don’t have some sort of fungal infection. Then you might want to try something for athletes foot.

If not red, then let’s just assume dry. If you don’t use lotion, just try any lotion daily and see if it helps. If you already use lotion, then try petroleum jelly one night, remember it can get grease on your sheets or carpets, which is very hard to remove, so be careful. Use it even just for a few hours in the morning on a lazy day, and then take a shower to remove the excess.

Vaseline heals dry skin and lips like no other in my experience. In one day the difference can be dramatic.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@JLeslie No not red. Just white craked and itchy. I don’t like goop. Might get some oatmeal cream for the bath. Thanks all for the advice.

JLeslie's avatar

The think about not liking goop is Vaseline is one day for a few hours and a huge amount of healing. You can just do it when your feet are really bad. It might be only once a month, or only once during the winter.

I hate putting body lotion on of any sort and I should. I’m very dry. I rarely do.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@JLeslie I will see what my pharmacists covers. I will try the bath cream first and then the Vaseline. I think it might be allergies seeing that im itchy from head to toe.

JLeslie's avatar

Oh, head to toe. New soap maybe? Or, new shampoo?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@JLeslie I rarely use soap or shampoo. I’ve been itchy for more than 6 years.

anniereborn's avatar

My husband uses This Body Wash for itchiness and dryness. He really likes it.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@anniereborn Thanks. I found on Amazon for $17.50 . I ordered it.

JLeslie's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 Then what do you use fior your hair and body?

Inspired_2write's avatar

@anniereborn Body wash with moisturizer for dry winter climates..also the water is causing the itiching and or allergies to soap on sheets etc

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