Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Shouldn’t Trump show how much he truly cares for his wall by offering to resign in exchange for its full funding?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) January 22nd, 2019 from iPhone

So he gets his wall and be replaced by a Pence?

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5 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Dream on @mazingerz88 (part of the emergency will require him to be president forever).

mazingerz88's avatar

I worry about Putin having palpitations due to too much heavy excitement and excessive joy watching his court jester / hand puppet destroy America.

stanleybmanly's avatar

What a dismal and dull finish that would be to a thus far spectacular suicide tour.

Aster's avatar

No, he would not trust the democrats to uphold their end of the deal. Besides, who’s to say he loves the idea of a wall rather than being POTUS ? Of course , it’s hard to compare them.

flutherother's avatar

It may all be futile. I hear the Mexicans are building a ladder.

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