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janbb's avatar

Why doesn't Wall Street put pressure on Trump to end the shutdown?

Asked by janbb (63337points) January 24th, 2019

It’s got to be hurting the economy both in the short term and for a while into the future. I can’t believe there is any advantage to it for the financial sector.

Is there a reason why Wall Street isn’t pressuring Trump?

I’m not looking for mindless Trump bashing or exhalting here so I’m putting this in General.

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12 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Wall Street doesn’t care because it is amoral like Trump. There is no altruist reason for Wall Street to care, it just exists.

janbb's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I’m not talking about altruism. I’m talking about money. The market doesn’t like instability and the economy is worsening with people not being able to spend. Nothing to do with the goodness of their hearts.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@janbb Wall Street players are making money on the whipsawing action. The swings are almost predictable. It is possible to make money even if the market is tanking.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Wall street is where stocks are traded not a “touchy-feeley” human being. The brokers are making money because people are selling (what the current owner believes is a losing Stock) others are buying. The people outside Wall street that own stocks are ones that need to decide if the next President and Congress will be different !

janbb's avatar

Please don’t mansplain the stock market to me.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I have an older friend, he is in his middle 80’s, that has become a “day trader” which is making him money also his broker. Trump is the best thing for “day traders” !

Wall Street doesn’t care. People that own losing stocks care.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

A stock exchange, securities exchange or bourse, is a facility where stock brokers and traders can buy and sell securities, such as shares of stock and bonds and other financial instruments.

There is no beating heart nor soul!

I’ve lost over 25% on a block of stock I own since last October 1st, you know I’m not going vote for Da Fuher ! Or any of Putin’s minions!!!!!

zenvelo's avatar

There have been a number of warnings but they just have not yet risen to the level of a cacaphony..

Right now the street is more focused on foruth quarter earnings that are coming out. The market is not yet concerned with the economy as a whole. Much of the shut down news has already been discounted into the market.

What may wake the street up about the shutdown is if the Fed has to do something to invigorate the economy, or if unemplyment numbers jump.

flutherother's avatar

The effect of the shutdown on the overall economy doesn’t seem to be that great, maybe 0.04% to 0.07% of GDP but the perception of political chaos is bound to affect business confidence and the longer it drags on the worse it will get.

The Chair of the Federal Reserve has warned that an extended shutdown will affect growth.

flutherother's avatar

The shutdown is already affecting some companies quite badly eg Alementary Brewing. “No entrepreneur ever thinks to write down ‘completely dysfunctional government’ on your risk matrix when you’re thinking, ‘What are the things I have to account for?’” Blake Crawford, an owner of the brewery, said.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Because they are making a killing from all the volitity.

Jaxk's avatar

Wall Street likes a dysfunctional government. The rules aren’t constantly changing which makes businesses cheaper and easier to run. The shutdown may not be good but the dysfunction is. The market is teetering trying to decide which is more beneficial.

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