Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What weird things do you do?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25143points) January 24th, 2019

Like closing the empty start tab to speed up an internet search? Or pressing a pedestrian traffic button over and over? Or turning off a washer after the first spin and not letting it rinse again to save time?

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23 Answers

kritiper's avatar

No comment. I wouldn’t want to start a fad.

rockfan's avatar

I love the smell of new books and magazines, and I’ve smelled them so much over the years that I can differentiate between the smells of different kinds of paper publishers use.

I know, I’m weird.

gondwanalon's avatar

For breakfast I make a concoction of nonfat milk, whey protein, peanut butter powder, spirolina, glucosamine, banana, strawberries, blueberries. I pour the concoction over raw oat meal. I make enough for two days.

it’s fast and easy. And it really gets me moving. Powerful stuff!

Only one of my friends has tried it and he ate the entire bowl and said that he liked it.

Stache's avatar

Walk heavy in Target or a grocery store when my shoes are wet so they squeak loudly.

Listen to the same song, over and over for an hour.

Talk to myself when I’m driving.

Caravanfan's avatar

You mean besides Fluther?

filmfann's avatar

Too many to list, but I’ll give you one.
I don’t like to poop while wearing shoes.

Stache's avatar

Pfft. Who where’s shoes while pooping?

Pinguidchance's avatar

Inverted comma man , don’t ask me where.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

Personal divination. This is not something someone without mystical power will understand.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well…is it weird that I like tests?

filmfann's avatar

@Stache Perhaps this isn’t weird. I don’t watch how other people poop.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That is super weird @filmfann. Everybody has a spy cam set up in their bathroom.

Aster's avatar

I sleep with a banana on my nightstand; I cannot use my desktop unless my feet are on the desk w/my ankles crossed; they go up there on their on volition; I’ve been a nail biter for over sixty years but if I’m dating they’re manicured; I watch Buying Alaska on tv even though I’d rather be in prison than live there and it depresses me to watch; I go to the eye doctor, get a prescription then don’t fill it.
I’m sure there are more.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Um…what do you do with the banana @Aster?

Aster's avatar

I thought you’d never ask. When I wake up before the sun comes up I’m hungry.

ucme's avatar

Watch Jumanji on mute & yell like Tarzan then marvel when they run toward me as if possessed.

ucme's avatar

Give homeless people monopoly money so they can buy houses & shit.
The look on their little faces as I walk away…so rewarding.

rockfan's avatar


Well that’s a horribly jack-ass thing to do.

ucme's avatar

@snowflake Yeah it’s called satire so maybe if you pull the bug outta ya ass :D

Dutchess_III's avatar

One problem…satire is funny. That was not.

rockfan's avatar

“The look on their little faces as I walk away…so rewarding.”

Well, you basically admitted that you simply wanted to get an annoyed reaction from them. That’s not really satire…

But sorry if I was too harsh

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I look at the light when I turn on the lamp. Every… single… time.

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