How many chickens, pigs and cows have you eaten so far?
Asked by
mazingerz88 (
January 25th, 2019
from iPhone
Have you ever wondered? What is the fastest way to calculate how many of any of these animals we have consumed so far?
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24 Answers
Great question.
I think it’s probably difficult to estimate our own personal consumption. The best method is probably to take national statistics to give us a very rough estimate using population. The USDA provides data. I also came across the national chicken council stats.
It’s a good exercise in looking at the business of “producing” meat, and the tremendous suffering that is involved.
Chickens: 2008
Pigs: 31
Crows: 0
A lot. I should be a vegan.
Probably in order of quantity by lbs of meat:
Although, it might be
Heh, you just think you’re eating chicken beef and pork.
I haven’t kept count but I do eat a shit load of chicken.
Chicken-Probably 800
Cow-Probably 500
Pig- Maybe 100 (not a huge fan, just a ham once or twice a year.)
This is a really hard question.
I eat way too much beef. Many delicious cows have died for my sake.
Not the biggest fan of chicken, but I’ve certainly had a lot over the years. Mostly in breast form.
Pig the least so, but I do love chile verde.
Poke chops and ribs are good.
It’s of course an impossible question, particularly when you get down to animal parts. How many pigs can donate to a single hot dog or sausage link? Ground beef or lamb, chicken nuggets?
Yes. I mean, I make a roast from a cow but 6 people eat from it.
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@mazingerz88 I grew up on a cattle farm…lol, always had a freezer full of homegrown beef.
(I refuse to eat veal though.)
I guess there is the question of are you counting the whole animal or just pieces? For instance, how much bacon would I have to consume to say I ate a pig? Or do I have to eat ribs, hams, bacon, loins, etc to say I ate the whole pig? 30 years ago or so I had a 6’ chest freezer and we would buy half a cow or a whole pig at one time. It was cheaper in the long run. It was, of course, butchered for us before we got it. But the volume of meat was there. But it is amazing how far half a cow will go for a small family.
^^Definitely interested in the total number of the whole animal….the pigs, cows and chickens each one of us had consumed so far.
Let me see, 125×12 divided by…oh fuck that, i’ll ask chef.
@mazingerz88 Probably cut my intake in half then, if it’s a whole animal.
I’ll go with 11.8 cows, 2363 chickens, and 17.7 pigs. I go with a certain amount of assumptions. 1000# per cow yields roughly 600# of meat (after bone, skin, blood, etc is removed). I figure a chicken can supply three meals given breasts, thighs, and legs/wings. And pigs run about 400# and you get about 200# of meat. I assume about ½# of meat per meal (yes, its high but it makes the math easier) and then figure I have about equal number of meals for all three animals. Calculate the number of days I am alive and there you have it.
@seawulf575 ^^Highly impressive math skills right theya…
As far as the WHOLE animal, I will have to say 0, then. I have never eaten cow brains or hooves. I have never eaten chicken beaks. There are a ton of animal parts I have never eaten.
Zero for me too. I don’t eat every part of any animal, unless I did and didn’t know, like maybe in a hot dog. Lol. Don’t make me think about it.
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