Do you wish the Democrats and the media would shut the hell up about Trump “caving” on the shut down?
Asked by
JLeslie (
January 27th, 2019
from iPhone
I know it’s temoorary, and I do of course think it’s important to report what is happening, but using words like “caved” and harping about Trump not getting it, and I just feel like it’s poking him to be more obstinate. Why not say “thank you” and “let’s get to work on resolving the problem without hurting these workers.”
What if it was Obama who “caved” and Republicans were all over social media and Fox news were saying he “caved.” Would you defend Obama for letting people get paid.
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46 Answers
I have no problem with it. It is most natural to ask why Trump decided to end the shutdown, and I agree with those who think he caved. It also indicates a willingness to wait out another shutdown, confident that it will end the same way. Trump only sees things in terms of winning and losing. We need to be resolute in our opposition.
I think this needs to be said once. In all your attempts to be fair and balanced, @JLeslie, you come across as wishy-washy and an apologist for Trump. In this instance, he created a terrible situation for the country that has done some irreparable harm. Placating him or his cronies does not make them more reasonable. Thanking him for backing down from a situation he created and that never should have been is a bad idea. Look at Neville Chamberlain and the policy of appeasement. “Can’t everyone just be nicer” is not where the country is right now.
Trump cannot negotiate he can only be a winner, We used to call his type of negotiation, “killer” someone dies at the table. He enjoys inflicting pain.
HE CAVED-IN in his eyes, there will be payback on the 15th of February, maybe sending the military to the border for his imaginary emergency. I can hear Pence getting ready for his presidential acceptance speech, when Trump gets removed with 25th Amendment. We are not at war!
This shut down cost the government as much or more than the wall would have cost. He’s coming off as a spoiled brat, as usual. No, I’m not going to thank him for the chaos he caused.
Edited to add: It’s also republicans saying he caved. His own party is turning away from him.
I watch the news very closely and have not heard about this. Must be some of that “fake news.”
Yes, he didnt cave, he did the right thing. Guess we’ll see in a few weeks.
^^Doing the right thing is caving for him. He would pick doing the wrong things just to try and win his stupid games.
Btw, no. I don’t want the media and Dems to shut up that trump caved in. Unless…it could decrease the number of voters that would vote Democratic in the next elections. Can’t see that happening.
trump, his weak and shameless GOP disciples, some of his voters who are deplorable racists and his billionaire supporters won’t stop at nothing to divide the country. They are willing to spit on the face of American democracy, its traditions, foundation and values just to be able to push their narrow-minded agendas.
Make America Great again my ass.
trump is a dangerous idiot who plays with people’s lives to satiate his vanity. If gloating and incessant mocking of his failures could get deep down enough to shake his nerves, the gloating and screaming should be kept up until he breaks down crying and wailing like the petulant child from hell that he is. And hopefully resigns!
Ann Coulter said he caved and she’s no Democrat.
Never before in American history has the Speaker of the House tried to usurp the authority of the President, and that is what this show-down was about. It is not the job of Pelosi to obstruct the authority of the President.
The border wall has been needed for a long time, and now that we have caravans the size of cities invading our border, and thousands of people killed or violated in crime and drug trafficking, we definitely need the border wall. You should listen to what the border patrol and law enforcement and families affected by crime are actually saying, not what your political faves and entertainment say they will do do obstruct Trump. Their hatred of Trump is immesurably greater than their love of the country.
Because it is not Pelosi’s job as speaker of the house to oppose the opposing party, she is just as guilty as Trump for the Shutdown. Maybe even moreso, because she is in charge of the funding she was denying this project. It is actually reasonable that Trump, Pence, and the Senate would not approve a budget that does not meet the needs of border patrol and law enforcement. They are actually there. Your favorite News Pundits live in Malibu or some other wealthy, cozy safe enclave. Only their hatred of Trump keeps them involved.
Pelosi, not Trump, is the one making unprecedented disregard for our traditions, national protocol, and decorum. The authority for Trump to make this call is clear, and the need is well demonstrated by the situation at the border. Pelosi’s obstanence is unprecedented in American history.
Again, calling Trump a racist or influenced by big billionares is often repeated by some of you, but has not been seen so far and is no way to win an argument—of course, some of you are saying the border wall itself is racist. Watch some footage about what is happening at the border, where caravans charge the border and law enforcement and break through the cheap wired-together bedframe barricades and tell me the wall isn’t necessary. Tell that to people who have had loved ones die in the melee.
@Yellowdog Remember this old saying? “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Giving Trump all the power he wants and thinks he deserves is not a good idea. Thank heavens we have Pelosi as a emergency brake for that runaway bus Trump.
“Good news for George Herbert Walker Bush: As of today, he is no longer the biggest wimp ever to serve as President of the United States,” Coulter
Are the people saying he’s “caving” implying that the shut down should’ve gone on longer? If so, then “caving” was absolutely the right thing to do. Not that he deserves any credit for it, because as others have pointed out, this is a situation he created.
@Yellowdog I won’t go back and forth on your nonsense but budgeting is the prerogative of Congress – not the President. And if the border wall is so necessary, how come all the Representatives whose borders it will run along, are against it. And if the big issue is crime and murder, how about gun control and shoring up the TSA instead of slowing down their functioning?
Ever hear of checks and balances?
First, I don’t think it’s reputable news outlets, like ABC, NBC or the BBC who are beating him over the head for “caving.” They’re reporting as dispassionately as possible, like they always do. As for social media and satire sites, they’re just acting like school children teasing a big bully who is down. I guess it’s human nature.
@Yellowdog Pelosie acted within the scope of her job function. She wouldn’t have succeeded otherwise. If you want to place blame, blame the checks and balances the founding fathers wrote into the Constitution.
Well. When one declares himself the greatest deal maker, and a genius, then fails miserably, he’s opened himself for criticism. If there’s ever been a person in history who deserves to have his failures waived in his face, it’s Trump.
I get great pleasure thinking of when Trump’s advisors explained that he would have to cave here. The moment when he knew that he had to.
Trump accomplished NOTHING but hurting millions of Americans with this debacle. I hope the ones who voted for him suffered the most. Whenever I complain about money, the right is quick to tell people to get 2nd, and 3rd jobs. I hope they found out how easy that is…
So, @MrGrimm888 you are saying that the border patrol doesn’t get their wall because we need to wave this in Trump’s face? This is all about getting Trump, not a debate over the necessity of a wall.
Pelosi is an obstructionist, and obstructing is more important than those who suffered in the shutdown. Neither Trump nor the senate would approve a budget that didn’t approve funds for the border wall. With no approved budget, the shutdown was inevitable.
You have demonstrated that this is about ‘getting Trump” not the border wall or the shutdown. Because Trump does care about those gov’t workers, he ‘caved’ as you said, Pelosi didn’t.
The wall will be built—every democrat I know wants it (except one)—including some in the House of Representatives. But getting Trump is more important.
The wall will be accomplished another way.
The “Wall” is a phallic object to the Trump.
Maybe the only big thing he hopes to get. ;>)
He love hurting people including his sub-contractors at his construction site and SEVEN bankruptcies really!
You have to be a big follower of the sixth grader to believe he is a great negotiator and a world leader (he does visit Putin without any USA representatives; how nuclear codes get sent to Russia? ? ?) Maybe that makes him great ? ? ?
@Yellowdog ”The wall will be built—every democrat I know wants it (except one)—including some in the House of Representatives. But getting Trump is more important.” Please give source – - – oh Breitbart as a source is like quote from the “Dick and Jane”!
What do you need a source from other than what is plainly happening?
Maybe you have never seen or heard the clashes at the border. But other than that, what do you want a source for?
Your “made-up” reasoning.
Trump rating continues to FALL
Rubio on Emergency at Border a Republican!
Who are you listening to a “Punch and Judy Show”? ? ?
He is losing it!
@Yellowdog . I don’t support the wall because it will be a financial quagmire, and it won’t be effective. Having be a crushing loss for Trump is just a bonus.
Your stories about the “invasion at the southern border,” are quite amusing. You may want to look up the meaning of the word invasion. I see crowds of refugees, that need help. Human beings, with families…
“every democrat I know wants it (except one)—including some in the House of Representatives. But getting Trump is more important.”
You need to get out of your safe space @Yellowdog. This statement is ridiculous.
@MrGrimm888 So do I. Trump’s proposal has a lot of help and aid for them. But we still need t control who comes in.
et al: — Democrats are NOT unilaterally against the wall, like you think. And Republicans do not all support it. But Pelosi is against it to prevent what some view as a victory for Trump.
The Wall is a HOSER and is not needed except for Trump’s ego.
”Trump’s proposal has a lot of help and aid for them. But we still need t control who comes in.” source again !
All the Fantasy Land stuff you make-up is not REAL!
I suggest you read or hear what Trump is proposing and Pelosi is rejecting. Even the Washington Post said she should take the deal.
As for the border, I’ve seen footage of what’s currently being done. Most of the previous caravan is housed in Tijuana, Mexico and will probably be there a very long time because we do not have enough judges. At least two more caravans are on their way.
Law enforcement and border patrol has a lot to say about the situation. You are either in denial or misinformed. You are asking me for a link but the POTUS has twice made proposals on national television, and Pelosi has flatly denied anything, even though the protection and aid are badly needed at the border.
You probably didn’t see the national address with Trump’s proposal—not many networks aired it. How will you know if you continue to rely on such biased, libelous, networks?
Border clashes and riots have been plainly shown, as have the refugee camps and dozens of footage of illegal refugees crossing the skimpy bedframe wired together barriers and fences.
If you choose to be uninformed about the president’s proposals I can’t help you, but that doesn’t make you right.
If you’d share some links we might believe you @Yellowdog.
Just maybe.
Sharing isn’t difficult.
If you need help we are here.
Yes because it just eggs him on. He reacts childishly when he is being made fun of. Of course even Fox is doing it because they know this will force his hand to do what they want him to do. Create chaos. Dems are doing it because they know it will cause him to react foolishly as well and make winning in 2020 easier. The rest of the media is doing it for sound bites. The more off the rocker he sounds the more news they have to report daily. But ultimately. I wish the President just wouldn’t react like a spoiled brat and fall so easily for all this taunting. Any other president would’ve let it slide down their back like water on a duck. The ones that pay most for all of this is the public.
I feel pretty sure if Obama had suggested paying billions for a wall Fox news and most republicans would be rattling of the statistics of why the wall want be the most effective way to spend the money, and that the Democrats just want to waste tax payers’ money.
“If”. Coulda, woulda, shoulda. But he didn’t.
Okay I understand now @Yellowdog, “Trump sez”, and you follow blindly and without reason.
Da Fuhrer spoke all should follow, “Sieg Heil!”
~~~~Maybe he get rid of the the moderates in government by sending them to his Emergency at the border for forced labor.
To answer the 2nd half of the question, Obama would have never gotten anywhere near close to something so fool hardy, so you can’t really compare trump / Obama.
My only point was that Republicans hated everything Obama did.
So many of you support everything the Democrats are doing to bring this country down and then you turn right around and blame Trump! Notice that in everything the media comments about President Trump, it is posed in such a way as to be negative; they never did this to any other president in history! You support this hammering away about the Russian collusion fantasy to the point of no return! Enough is enough! If someone wanted to nuke us, NOW would be the time to hit hard, while the Democrats harass and distract our President, as well as the people, “like a thief in the night”. Right now, the democrats are almost as dangerous as Al Quaida
The President IS the Distraction @LindaSioux In case you haven’t been following his Tweets, releasing sensitive info in a Tweet about military movements.
Welcome to Fluther.
I wasn’t through with my comment when Fluther sent me back to my email yet again to confirm my address (for the 2nd time) and went ahead and posted my comment before I could finish or edit. Thanks from the newcomer, Fluther. If you’re gonna make my experience here as frustrating as democrats twisting Trump and the rest of us in the wind, I’d rather go sit in an antbed. But as I was saying about democrats being almost as dangerous as terrorists . . . the media wailed on how expensive a wall would be but never mention the trillions it will take to sustain that many illegal immigrants in our country! They waste tax payers’ dollars as if it grew on trees throwing parties for each other. Speaking of trees, they jump up and down to save trees, whales, elephants, any endangered species, (and by the way, I agree), but not an innocent child in it’s mother’s womb! And they sit in judgment on Trump’s morality or character? I detested Obama and his love affair with any religion other than Christianity while he bashed us and took it like a big girl and then helped vote Trump in! But the democrats just keep on whining, harassing, judging, hating, and dividing this country by chopping off the heads of anyone who doesn’t agree with them. And no, I wasn’t through with my comment, Tropical Willie, but I already see your comment and it reeks of what is called gaslighting, a narcissist’s tool to make a comment without any substance in order to “distract”. That being said, I think my stay with Fluther was short and not so sweet. God help us!
So…a fetus has more rights to live than an immigrant child?
“I think my stay with Fluther and not so sweet.” Well. There is a difference between debate, and just yelling at everyone who doesn’t support Trump. No content. No views expressed. No facts. Just blind, baseless rage…
The only opinion raised, was an odd, severely flawed analogy about abortion. An analogy, that could be easily posed in the opposite direction. Those on the right care about nobody, or any creature on Earth. Why care about a fetus?...
Dutchess 111 There you go putting words in my mouth that never came out! Let me ask you this, Don’t you know we have laws in place for immigrants to come in legally? Why are you willing to ignore the law? Because you don’t agree with it? Laws are for good reason! With laws there is at least some order and not chaos! If we are bombarded with all these illegal people just coming through without order, then there will be chaos. Then who is going to be able to help anyone? Dutchess 111, one thing that’s glaring is that you are more than willing to take my opinion and try to twist it to attempt to make me (seem like) a bad person. That is exactly what you do to Trump! Sure., he is flawed. But I would rather listen to and put my faith in someone who is willing to tell the truth, unrehearsed and sincere, however rough cut, and nobody really likes a braggart, but Trump doesn’t disguise his character, which is not nearly how you people make him out. Call out his real flaws if you must, but you love to put words in everyone’s mouth and twist the hell out them! He is not a racist just because someone says he is and it doesn’t take a lot these days to be labeled as such anyway. I believe probably just about all politicians lie to a great extent, polished or not. Sure, Obama put on a good show, did Ellen, that Jimmy show, etc. Going Hollywood doesn’t show you a person’s true character, especially someone who is supposed to be a leader. But most you, especially Tropical Willie, have problems with our POTUS tweeting for heaven’s sake! What the hell is wrong with you people?!
MrGrimm888 And another thing, you sure do have double standards when it comes to opinions that differ from yours. There is also a difference between debate and just being plain out rude and obnoxious. Not that I think I was yelling, didn’t mean to if I was, but you’d make a preacher cuss with your ideas of flawed opinions, flawed meaning they differ from yours. It wasn’t an analogy about abortion. There is a recent law that has passed in my state about it being against the law now, but democrats have no respect for the law and believe themselves to be above it and then deem themselves to be intelligent because of it. How flawed is that!?
I see that our “debate” is now more about morality and trading insults rather than supporting each other and realizing we are all in this together. Surely there could be compromise, for which Americans have always sought in times of trouble. Now we are all divided more than ever before and you blame Trump, when it actually started with Obama 10½ yrs ago. I would love to help all the people in the world if I could but first I must have the means to do so. If our country is at war with each other, if our country becomes more chaotic than it is already, we are in no position to help anyone!! I wish, hope, and above all, pray that democrats and Republicans start working together, but y’all seem hellbent on demoralizing and bringing down the elected President of the United States! You’d rather distort the facts to win an argument” rather than focus on the well-being of all!
@LindaSioux The Tweeting of and idiot is the problem but you can’t and won’t see that ! Will you ? ?
Well, Tropical Willie, lol, one thing I’ve learned is to stop beating a dead horse, but you go right ahead and flail away. Me, I ‘d rather jump on a live one and go riding off into the sunset, if I live to see another one. I appreciate this day God gave us and the President who is trying so hard in spite of all the hate to do what’s right for our country. I, too, wish to share it with all who will abide by the laws of the land and respect it and I’m gonna enjoy it while it lasts. I hope you do too.
Okay @LindaSioux are officially a ” Dead Horse ” !
And also ghost of another Jelly!
@LindaSioux . You keep mentioning insult, over fact. Yet, you have provided ZERO facts. That would seem important to be relevant….
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