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Kardamom's avatar

What are some of your minor annoyances?

Asked by Kardamom (33565points) January 29th, 2019 from iPhone

This past couple of weeks I have been on edge, because a friend is in hospice care, with a very bleak outlook : (

It seems like some things that I either don’t pay much attention to, or never really noticed before, have become amplified.

Here are a few examples of my own personal minor annoyances:

People absentmindedly tapping things, or jingling their keys.

Passengers in your car fiddling with the air conditiong (rather than asking you to adjust it) or rolling the windows down while the air conditioner is running.

Guests in your home, after you have shown them the lovely guest towels that you have hung on the racks especially for them, going into your cabinets to use different towels.

People parking just over the line, or at an angle, so that there is not enough room for you to park in the ajacent parking space.

People on TV being interviewed (usually lay people, not actors, or professionals on TV) chewing gum while they are talking.

People smoking cigarettes directly outside the entrance to a business (smoking is not allowed inside businesses in CA) so that the stink of their smoke comes inside. Or smoking outside, where people are made to stand in line before going in (like for a concert or a play).

People walking and not picking up their feet, so that their shoes squeak across the floor, like so many fingernails on a chalkboard.

An asshole in a car behind me honking his horn, because the poor person in the car in front of me didn’t move instantaneously when the light turned green.

Entering a bathroom stall to find an unflushed toilet.

Seeing people digging dirt out from under their fingernails, with another fingernail (usually a grotesquely long one) while you are sitting near them in a restaurant. One of my friends has taken to doing this recently. She never had long nails until recently, and only a couple of the nails are long, but apparently she enjoys the digging.

Having people reply to your texts without actually answering the question that you asked. It usually involves a specific time. Me: “Hey Marge, you want to go to the movies tomorrow? There’s a 10 o’clock showing or a 1 o’clock showing.”
Marge: “Yeah! That sounds good”
Me: “What time works best for you?”
Marge: “Maybe we can go out to eat afterwards!”
Me: “Yeah, what time works best for you?”
Marge: “It’s playing at The Bijou right?”
Me: “Yeah. What showing is best for you?”
Marge: “Do you want to meet there, or at the restaurant?”
Me: “It depends on what time we see the movie. What time is best for you?”

Sorry for my long list of minor annoyances. I guess they are occupying my mind, so that I don’t think too much about the much bigger issue, of my friend being in hospice : (

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20 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

People who live in my house not putting things away when they are done with them / not cleaning up after themselves.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Also, it bothers me when the person driving the vehicle, with me in the passenger seat, insists on fiddling with the controls, taking their attention off of the road, instead of asking me to do it.

filmfann's avatar

My wife’s inability or disinterest in correctly sealing a zip lock bag.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Someone behind me leaning on a car horn, because I’m waiting for pedestrians to leave the crosswalk. (Hint: Who has the right-of-way in that situation?)

People who chew with their mouths open or talk with mouthfuls of food.

Grocery market cashiers who perkily say, “Did you find everything ok?” or “Did you find what you need?” I know this is a very minor thing, and that I shouldn’t let it annoy me, but it’s the reason I use an automated checkout if there’s one available.

Strangers who ask me what I did to my foot (or ankle or leg). I have bad knees; on my worst days, the pain is very severe, and it causes me to limp. I really don’t enjoy sharing such personal business with random people in public. I know they don’t mean any harm, so I wear a benign face and say, “Nothing.”

People who impose their own religious faith on mourners. “He’s in a better place,” “She’s with the Lord now,” and “You’ll be together again someday” are no comfort to someone who doesn’t share those beliefs; they might even offend deeply.

People who one-up somebody who’s had misfortune. This seems to be a very human trait. Although the goal is to relate and express camaraderie – I’ve had a similar experience, and you’re not alone – it’s a failure. When I lost my home to a three-alarm fire, I didn’t need people launching into long stories about how their grandparents once had a house fire. When somebody’s father passes away, it isn’t helpful to hear a friend’s account of how was just age 25 when his dad died, and how painful it was, and how he still grieves today. Just sympathize and listen to what the person has to say; don’t make it “about me.”

KNOWITALL's avatar

The male in my house not doing his fair share of housework, or the minimal.
People who smack gum or chew with open mouths.
People who scrape the bottom of yogurts or bowls, obsessing over the last taste.
People in leadership positions who don’t lead, but accept the accolades/ credit.
People who let dogs roam off leash then whine when they get hurt or lost or stolen.

*I’m sorry your friend is in hospice and hope you find peace.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I second the desperate scrambling for the very last taste of something @KNOWITALL, sopping the last dregs up with a piece of bread until the bowl or plate can’t possibly get any cleaner.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Snakes in my toilet seriously annoy me.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

^^^ I’m much more annoyed by Snakes on a Plane.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My boyfriend was extremely annoyed when I told him my son had lost a garter snake in his SUV. Six months earlier.

Kardamom's avatar

Thank you @KNOWITALL. My friend has pancreatic cancer. She is in the final stages. She will be leaving two elementary school daughters, and a husband : (

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Kardamom That’s what my FIL died from. So very sorry for everyone involved.

Demosthenes's avatar

That conversation with “Marge” is hilarious. Sadly I’ve had more than one in-person conversation go that way…

A minor annoyance for me is the incorrect use of apostrophes. Just today I was at Whole Foods and saw a sign that said “Organic Banana’s”. “The organic banana’s what?” I wanted to ask…

Kardamom's avatar

Hi everybody. My friend passed away this afternoon : (

She came home from the hospital on Saturday and was put into hospice care. My other friend, who has a daughter in our friend’s child’s class, and her daughter are devastated.

Thank you for letting me vent. I’ve been on edge for a month, and now we will have to step up to care for the family.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Kardamom I’m sorry for you and the familys loss. (Hugs)

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m so sorry @Kardamom. (((hugs)))

Kardamom's avatar

Thank you everybody : )

Aster's avatar

My close friend’s husband of thirty years has glioblastoma brain cancer and is dying. She calls me bawling her eyes out and I’ve been edgy ever since about three months ago because of their misfortune. I certainly know Tom but we never spent time together. I hate that MD Anderson gave him radiation and chemotherapy then after six weeks sent him home with chemo pills. Now he can barely speak and eats nothing but cereal with no milk. It is tragic.
As a result I am very annoyed by many things: our dog barking at the window when there are no people or animals to bark at. Sometimes I yank the blinds closed. Waking up to my husband’s tv blasting guns, cannons, car explosions, loud music in the background of the movies, etc. Lying telemarketers all week long telling me they are “responding to our website inquiry” which we never did, someone I can barely understand wanting us to buy an extended car warranty from them as if I’d buy even a candy bar from them when we actually can buy one locally; robocalls saying they are ” making their final call ” to us months on end, our neighbors calling in yard men simply to remove a few leaves from their yards like they have money to burn and last but not least watching my husband’s Diet soda habit destroy his bone strength but he doesn’t believe he’s addicted to it and pours it into a one quart mug several times a day. As selfish and dumb as all this sounds I have a lot more I stew about . And @Kardamom I’m so sorry . I lost my best friend to cancer ten years ago so I do know how you feel. The oncologist gave her false hope when he knew it had spread to her lung but told her he’d “catch it now” when it was Stage 4 which is terminal, he knew that but she took the dreadful medication he prescribed that almost killed her sooner.

Kardamom's avatar

@Aster, I am so sorry. These situations make minor things almost unbearable : (

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