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Dutchess_III's avatar

How often were you taken to the ER when you were growing up?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47210points) January 30th, 2019

I had to get stitches once, but my folks took me to a regular doctor who came in on his day off, so I guess I’ve never been to the ER as a child.

My sister stepped on a broken milk bottle with her bare feet. She went to the ER.
Same sister got the tip of her pinky snapped off in the hinge side of a pneumatic screen door. She went to the ER.
Same sister broke her arm on her POW bracelett. I don’t know if she went to the ER for that, though.

My other sister, who is an animal lover, caught a little field mouse with her bare hands and carried it home. It was biting and biting her hand, but she just kept walking with it cupped in her hand, and crying because it hurt. She had to get rabies shots.
She also got the mumps but I don’t think they went to the doctor.

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22 Answers

anniereborn's avatar

Only once when for some reason I decided to get into my sister’s Darvon.

ucme's avatar

Never, i’m fucking bulletproof, might be a superhero like Bruce Willis in Unbreakable, although that’s possibly stretching things a bit.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh wait! The sister who carried the field mouse home also got bitten by a water moccasin. Definite ER visit that time.

zenvelo's avatar


Once when I was not quite two years old. I was playing with Coca Cola bottles and the paper bottle holder on a tile floor, and dropped one which broke. I tried to crawl away, and knelt on a piece of glass. 22 stitches later, they saved me from losing my leg. It is still a very visible scar over 60 years later.

When I was 12, I hit a rock while riding my bike down a hill, flipped over the handlebars, and broke my collarbone.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My son went snow boarding for the first time when he was about 12. The board hit a rock, he was thrown off, the board came down on his head…blood. Stitches. Again.
Actually, that booger was in the ER on a regular basis for stitches. By the time he was 4 he’d had stitches 3 times.

ragingloli's avatar

Never, because my parents really did not give a shit.

rebbel's avatar

One time a metal splinter flew in my eye, in school.
And the other time a stud from a football shoe was planted in my calf.
Both in my teens.
I’m fine now.
My white stick does double duty. ~

Demosthenes's avatar

Twice, both due to infections (rather than an injury).

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Once a year for severe constipation. I ate the equivalent of one bowl of Total cereal.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Never. Both grandparents were MDs – family doctors. We just called Grandpa.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Once, before I can remember. I lopped off a fingertip on my first birthday.

I think it might be the reason sometimes my blood pressure drops and I pass out at the smell of hospitals.Or even reading about medical procedures.

It doesn’t happen often now but as a kid it was guaranteed.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

3 years old swan dive “sorta” from counter (getting cookies from cookie jar in second cabinet second shelf after pulling drawers out to make steps) five stitches left ear lobe. Six years old right wrist inside from broken bubble liquid jar, reached across to pick-up bubble wand after breaking jar, five stitches. 9 years old face plant from riding bike, shaved eyebrow and butterfly bandage to close.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Once when I was a toddler and pulled on the electrical cord to the clock my parents kept on top of their dresser. It fell and hit me on the nose. I had a deviated septum for 40 years before getting it fixed and still have a small scar where it hit

The second time I was a young teenager and some kid sitting at the back of the school bus threw a cherry bomb out of the window as we were getting on. A kid yelled “look out!” I turned to see where it was and got hit in the eye with a piece of cherry bomb shrapnel. It made a painful tear in my cornea.
This was back in the day when we could buy “the good stuff” before the Federal ban on high powered fireworks.

That injury did not affect my love for fireworks and things that make noise at all. I still love them!

KNOWITALL's avatar

I dont ever remember going to ER, just the doctors, even for broken arm and ear infections.

flutherother's avatar

I was never taken to ER.

ellespark's avatar

I stepped on a rusty nail at school, it popped through the sole of my shoe and barely broke the skin but I had to go.

I fell as a toddler and split the skin on the back of my head open and had to go and my parents love telling the story because I developed a crush on my nurse and called for him the whole time I was there.

I got bit by my dog and had to get stitches.

So three times I guess? My husband, on the other hand, had a fast pass card his mom could give the receptionist and speed up the check in process because they were there so often with him. I doubt he could even count the number of times he went.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Not until I was an adult did I go myself to injuries either at work, or walking to work,or because
of overwork.

Pandora's avatar

Too many to count I think. I had appendicitis as a kid once and that alone was maybe 3 trips. Also use to get a lot of bad fevers due to my tonsils and ear infections. Like most horrible illness, they tend to hit at night or become horribly worse at night, with high fevers and vomiting. But never did I go to the emergency room due to an accident.

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