General Question
Ok, classical music lovers: can you help me out on this one?
Asked by Jeruba (56153)
February 2nd, 2019
I thought it was Chopin, but I can’t find it. It’s definitely piano.
I don’t know how else I might present a melody, so consider this:
It’s in 4/4 time, and the melody begins:
da DA da da DA DA DAA DAA,
where the DA is probably ¼ notes and the little da is 1/8. The long DAA would be half notes. That’s the relationship, anyway.
I don’t know what key it’s in, but if it were in C, it would be like this, with the first G below middle C and the rest at or above:
G E E F E C D… G…
Is that enough to let you figure it out? If you know the piece, I hope you can recognize it from this.
Thank you.
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