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wrestlemaniac's avatar

What Movie did you hate the most?

Asked by wrestlemaniac (813points) August 23rd, 2008

I hated the passion of the christ.

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59 Answers

NecroKing's avatar

I hated Wild hogs, it was so gay.

lefteh's avatar

I thought they were all married?

Allie's avatar

Open Water. What a waste of my time.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

aahhhhahahahahaha…..crying…waste of money.

Mr_M's avatar

Andy Warhol’s Frankenstein, in 3D!!!

seVen's avatar

evolution was the dumbest movie i ever saw, dumber than usual Czech movies (no offence to Czechs) they showed in Poland.

Mr_M's avatar

Also hated “2001, a Space Odyssey”!

MrMeltedCrayon's avatar

The Dark Knight.

lefteh's avatar

@Mr_M: dun….. dun…. dun….... DUN DUNNNNN!

blastfamy's avatar

@Mr M, don’t go there, 2001 was flipp’n incredible

I hated Harry Potter 5. The book was really good, but the film adaptation felt like a trailor, albeit one that was 3 hours long.

Mr_M's avatar

@ left: Boom boom, boom boom, boom boom, BOOM!

(Kinda reminds me of the “Close Encounters” thing.)

augustlan's avatar

Pee Wee’s Big Top Adventure…Worst. Movie. Ever.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

Blastfamy don’t you go there, i thought it was good.

blastfamy's avatar

@wrestlemaniac, so tell me why no plot element was developed past two or three lines?

The acting was good. Helena Bonahm Carter was very good. Umbridge’s character was spot-on. My problem with the film is that there was no plot development whatsoever. Instead, the director made the film in short bursts, which felt far too unfinished. I don’t care if I sit through a 5 hour movie.

I would rather the films adequately cover the known plot than try to give the cliffnotes version. I shudder to think what will become of Harry Potter 6. I thank the lucky stars that they decided to split Harry Potter 7 into two films.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

i liked the effects mostly.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

and basically if you already read the book then the movie is just the action to watch.

blastfamy's avatar

I like to think of every move-adaptation as a separate entity. Each movie should stand on its own laurels, regardless of the book it was based on.

MacBean's avatar

Napoleon Dynamite, Super Troopers, Jackass, RV. West Side Story, Forrest Gump, The New World, ET. Unearthed, Lake Dead, Infection, The Beast of Bray Road.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

Whoa easy there, Forrest gump? West side story? Infection, dude those are all Classics!! except infection.

MacBean's avatar

Forrest Gump and ET both bored the hell out of me and didn’t make me feel anything other than “I’ll never be able to get that time back…” As for West Side Story, Romeo & Juliet stories annoy me, and I didn’t even like any of the songs.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

I love Romeo and Juliet stories, hey did you see Romeo and juliet with LeoDi.

MacBean's avatar

Yes. (Because I am a major film geek and will give anything a try, even if it doesn’t appeal to me on a basic entertainment level.) Best portrayal of Mercutio EVER.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

What about Romeo and Juliet the classic one?

trumi's avatar

Date Movie. I will kill those writers. They are destroying the cinema.

@Mac; You didn’t like Super Troopers at all?

NecroKing's avatar

I know right.

loser's avatar

I hated Borat.

joeysefika's avatar

White Noise, Bogeyman, any second rate horror

MacBean's avatar

@trumi—Not a bit. I even watched it again a couple of years later, just to make sure. I really tried. :(

@wrestlemaniac—Which one is “the classic one”? It’s been filmed… a lot. If you mean Zeffirelli’s 1968 version, I thought that was kind of brilliant.

do_re_mi's avatar

Mamma mia the movie. There really was no need..

breedmitch's avatar

Joe versus the Volcano.

augustlan's avatar

@breed: Oh, that was awful…such star power for such a crappy movie.

hammer43's avatar

I think it was called inside out and deliverance

augustlan's avatar

Deliverance is a classic.

MacBean's avatar

That doesn’t stop it from sucking.

cak's avatar

Open Range…horrible. I remember one line, “We’re mighty rank, ma’am.”

Open Water, Blair Witch Project…geez, she would NOT just close her yap!

shrubbery's avatar

Ice Queen. worst. movie. ever. I seriously hope they were taking the piss, but even then….
not even “it’s so bad it’s funny”... ugh. don’t go there.

NecroKing's avatar

Brokeback Mountain…...don’t you dare ask why!!!!

poofandmook's avatar

I was going to answer this question, and then Necro’s last answer made me puke. Hold on, I think I feel another wave.

NecroKing's avatar

Well I think now we know why heath ledger killed himself.

augustlan's avatar

Necro/Wrestle…that was tasteless. The movie was beautiful, as was Heath Ledger.

NecroKing's avatar

how can a decent person sssell his sssoul for something so…..ugh!

wrestlemaniac's avatar

Ssso true I felt like throwing myself out the window after seeing that garbage!!!

augustlan's avatar

You mean the two of you have the same opinion? I’m so surprised

wrestlemaniac's avatar

Yessss, we do!!

wrestlemaniac's avatar

****both Wrestle and Necro Laughing****

meghan's avatar

Funny Games.

blastfamy's avatar

* Movie

Disaster, Date, Superhero…

NecroKing's avatar

AAAAAAAAAGH! R.I.P *****Necroking dies again******

Mr_M's avatar

Yeah. Saw 4 was the last in that series I’ll ever watch.

NecroKing's avatar

I’m I in heaven yet….....?

wrestlemaniac's avatar

Damn to much morphine..

tiffyandthewall's avatar

nearly every spoof movie. UGH.

blastfamy's avatar

Jumper sucked.

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